Jason caught [Name] before she fell onto the floor and carried her back to the room she was staying in. He placed her down onto the bed and pulled the covers over her and left to go talk to François.
"Why the hell did you do that?" Jason asked him, trying to keep his anger under control, François just shrugged.
"I don't know." He said, Jason's eye twitched and grabbed François's shoulders and pulled him up to his height.
"You could have killed her! You could have lost her forever because you were being stupid and ignorant! You only ever think about yourself! Try thinking about someone else for once!" Jason yelled at François, his hands gripping his shoulders, bound to leave bruises later. François shoved Jason off of him and balled his hands Intl fists.
"You think I don't know that? You think I don't know that I could 'ave killed her!" François yelled back, punching Jason in the jaw, anger taking over. Jason growled and was about to hit back when Oliver stepped in between them both and grabbed Jason's fist mid-swing.
"Jason, poppet, why don't you go downstairs and calm down a bit." Oliver said, pushing him out of the room.
"This isn't over François!" Jason yelled back at François as Oliver closed the door on him and walked back over to François and wrapped an arm around him, he tried to pull away but Oliver's grip only tightened, sighing he gave up and looked at Oliver.
"I may be mad at you but I understand that you had no intentions to hurt [Name]." Oliver said, fussing with François's hair.
"And before you say anything I know, you love her, it's quite obvious actually, you just need to calm down and relax. All of that pent up anger isn't going to help this situation any better." Oliver continued, François sighed and nodded, pushing Olive away he laied down on his bed and pulled the blanket over himself. Oliver smiled some and stood up.
"I'll wake you when dinner is ready." Oliver said and left his room. François stared at the wall and looked down, feeling tears well up in his eyes he stuffed his face into his pillow and let it out, all the anger, rage, guilt and sadness, into sobbing, sniffling and hiccuping.......Sorry for the really long delay, been watching Supernatural and Sherlock and lost time and had no ideas as to what for wright for this story. Hope you guys can forgive me.

2p! France x Reader: In love with a killer
FanfictionWalking through the dark alleyway wasn't a good idea on your part, especially when a man kidnappes you. But you survive unlike all of the other unlucky victims of this man. Will you fall in love as he does to you? Or will someone try and stop this l...