finding out about them

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anita pov

anita-*i looked at him and waited for him to open his eyes.he looked like an angel sleeping.i smiled brightly at him.i kissed his cheek.i saw him turn his head and his lips were near my face.i pecked his lips.i saw him grin.i leaned forward and i kissed him.i felt him kiss me back.he crawled on top of me and i wrapped my arms around his neck.he pulled away and rubbed my thigh.i was wearing a skirt this time.the day before we went to a water/amusement park so i decided to wear a skirt because he brought it for was really mini too.*good morning.

prodigy-good morning.what do you want to do today?

anita-what is today?

prodigy-sunday.last day before your back with him.

anita-i love being with you.

prodigy-i know.i love it too.

anita-well you have to entertain me.

 prodigy-i have a beautiful way to do that but you may not want me to. it.*he cocked his eyebrow at me.*im serious.

prodigy-i think i affected you too much.

anita-you dont know how much i want to be affected.

prodigy-baby you wont get it back.

anita-i never had it before.this isnt going to make a difference.*he smiled.he bent down and kissed me sweetly.i wrapped my arms around his neck and i wrappped my legs around his waist.he pulled away and stared in my eyes.*

prodigy-and youre sure about this?*i nodded and he smiled really big.i laid there staring at the ceiling.he was playing in my hair.i turned to face him and he smiled at me a little.i saw him getting sleepy.*

anita-go to sleep.*he shook his head.his eyes were saying something else.*im not going anywhere.

prodigy-i want to see you for as long as i can.*i smiled and kissed him sweetly.*

anita-one good thing about vampires.we dont sleep.

prodigy-i still like being a wolf.*i smiled.*

anita-i like you being a wolf too.*he leaned over and kissed my neck.i moaned a little and he pulled away.*can vampires and wolves make a baby?

prodigy-its never been heard of so i dont know.*i nodded and he smiled.*one more.*i shook my head.he pulled me on top of him.*one please.*he leaned up and kissed my neck.he laid back down pulling me to him.i obeyed to his request.he fell on his back and i laid on the bed too.*ok that was the last time.

anita-yea.*i giggled and listened to him catch his breath.i sat up on the bed and went to take a shower.when i was done i got out and got dressed in some jeans a tshirt and a cardigan.i grabbed all my bags and put them in his car while he got ready.he got in the car with ball shorts,tee shirt ad jays.*

prodigy-thats all your stuff?*i nodded and he started driving.we got to the apartment.he helped me move all my stuff to the apartment.*

anita-i left my skirt in your apartment.

prodigy-good.i only want you to wear it for me.

anita-i know.good night baby. careful.*he kissed me sweetly then he left.i started unpacking my clothes.i heard the door open and it was nate.he walked in the bedroom and sniffed around,he walked up to me and sniffed me.i looked in his eyes and he smacked me so hard i hit the far wall.i fell down to the ground and i held my face and stomach.i rolled on my back.*

nate-you were with him.i smell him on you and your clothes.*he ran and climbed on top of me.he strted taking my jeans off and i kicked him in his face.he punched me so hard i spit a tooth.i felt another one forming.he pulled my jeans off and then he pulled my panties down.i closed my eyes as he sniffed me.he looked at me and his eyes were white/yellow.i laid there scared out of my mind.out of nowhere i saw him being pulled out of the window.i looked out the window and it was prodigy.he was on top of him and they were having an argument.after a minute prodigy turned normal and ran up to me.he climbed through the window.he looked in my eyes.*

prodigy-me now.*he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the building to his car.he drove fast as hell.*

anita-where are you taking me?

prodigy-my parents house.theyre gonna protect you while nate and i settle our dispute.

anita-how will your dispute be settled?

prodigy-i dont know all i know is your not safe with him.*i nodded and he turned a corner and parked.we got out and we ran to the front door.he opened the door and i walked in.a man and a lady were at table eating dinner.*mom and dad this is anita.

prodigy mom-hi hungry?*i shook my head and she smiled.she got up and hugged me tight.i hugged his dad also.*

prodigy-she can stay right?*they both nodded their heads. could tell they were having a private conversation though.we ran to his room and i sat on his bed.he gave me some ball shorts and a wife beater.i put it on and sat on the bed.he put my clothes in a drawer.*i think he wants to start a war but im not sure.i dont want you no where near that place ok?*i nodded and he smiled.*i love you.

anita-i love you too.*he smiled and sat next to me.i sat in his lap and he wrapped his arms around me.*

prodigy-im going to protect you.

anita-i know you are.*i kissed him sweetly and he laid me on the going to have fun living here.*

thats prodigy>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 

My Iridescent Love:A Prodigy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now