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I open my laptop eagerly to see that Tyler is on Skype, I try to skype him but he doesn't answer, maybe he isn't at his laptop right now. I'll try again in about 5 minutes.
*skip to five minutes later*

I click to call Ty again, this time it rings twice and then he answers.

Tyler's POV

I come back to my laptop to see troye is calling, I quickly answer the call and see his face, he's smiling with all of his teeth. I hear

"hi Tilly, I missed you" in a sweet soft voice

I soon answer back "hey troye" earning a slight grin from troye

"so tilly, you really can't come to Perth?"

"sadly no, I'm sorry troye, I really miss you I just don't have the time."
I mutter, I look back at the screen to see troye looking down at his feet, I hear soft sniffling, oh no, Troyes crying.

"hey? babe, it'll be okay, I'll see you soon enough, don't worry."
troye soon gathers himself and lyes down on his bed, I soon hear him drifting off, it is around 4:00 am there in Perth.

"goodnight Tilly, I miss you" I hear troye say with a raspy voice

"goodnight troye boy, I'll see you soon enough" I say as I watch him fall into a deep sleep. I don't close my laptop though, I watch the sweet innocent boy sleep, he's really beautiful, and seems so fragile while he's sleeping.

*time skip to Tyler's flight*

Troyes POV
it's around 11 am here, and I've just woke up, Tyler and I stayed up late again skyping, I really miss him, I decide maybe I could text him.

I type "hey Tilly, maybe we could skype later, I really want to see you xx troye"

I quickly run up to my room realizing my phone is at 2% and if Tyler replies and I don't soon after I'll feel bad. I jump onto my bed and quickly place my phone onto the charger, I open my laptop to go on Twitter, Tyler's tweeted.

"baby, your forever is all I need"
((I made this up its not a real tweet))

just thinking about him makes my heart skip a beat, he drives me wild.

Tyler's POV
it's around 8:00 pm here and I'm about to leave for my flight, I'm getting so excited to see troye, I miss him so much.

I see a text from troye appear on my screen

"sorry troye, I'm busy, I can't skype later, maybe tomorrow, babe, love you xx Tyler"

I feel bad for not skyping him but I'm getting on my flight soon.

Troyes POV

Tyler says he can't skype, but that's okay, I'll just scroll through tumblr until later when he can.

I scroll through tumblr finding myself a but drowsy, so I let myself drift off.

"TROYE, WE HAVE A SUPRISE FOR YOU" my mum screams up the stairs, I've slept all day and all night it's already 8 am, I don't know how I've done this, I walk down the stairs.

AN: hey guys, I'm updating and maybe I'll do a bit tomorrow, not promising anything though, lots of love💚

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