Just Give Me A Reason

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The hotel was quiet, guest were minding their own business. No one seemed to have noticed the chaos outside the hotel, or if they did they were pretending that they didn't. I was still a little shaken up from what those girls had said to me. They didn't know who I was or why I was with the boy and yet they jumped to conclusions and attacked me.

I followed along beside Liam as Paul checked us in and handed us a card key each. I glanced down at the number on the card, 11568. Glancing to my sides I checked if any of the boys had seen the number. None of them looked shocked but surely it had to be a wrong number? Judging by the size of the building there had to be probably 12 floors which would put us on one of the top floors. I had never stayed that high up before.

I looked around for my bags and noticed them on stroller that Harry was just about to start pushing. Taking a few quick steps I jumped onto the trolley just in time for Harry to start pushing it. He laughed as we moved down the hall and into the elevator. Liam joined us with another trolley. Zayn, Niall, and Louis waited for another elevator to come and grab them. We rode up in relative silence, I sat on top of all my new bags while Harry and Liam leaned against the wall. A quiet piano solo was playing over the speakers gently rocking me asleep. My eyes started to droop just as a loud ding broke through the silence, jolting me awake again.

Harry and Liam straightened up and began to push the carts down the corridor and toward one of 2 doors along the hallway. Liam was slightly infront of Harry and I because Harry was trying not to knock me off of the precarious stack of luggage. We stopped infront of the door as Liam pulled out his key and swung open the door.

Stepping inside the first thing I noticed was how massive the room actually was. It was two floors and probably had 6 or 7 bedrooms.

"Do you guys always stay in rooms this big?" I asked as I got off of the luggage.

"Not normally, but since this is your first night with us we got a bigger room so we could all get to know eachother." Liam smiled at me before pushing the trolley to one of the bedrooms, "I'm going to take this room, feel free to pick your first choice."

I slowly made my way through all of the rooms on the main floor, each and everyone of them were amazing in their own way but none of them truly stuck out to me. I turned my attention to the upstairs area where there had to be at least three other rooms.

My bag thumped on each step as I worked to drag it up the stairs. I finally got up to the top and looked around at what I saw. One wall was a full window looking out over the city while the other was a wall full of artwork. The area was massive and I was right in thinking that there would be more bedrooms up here, there were five doors along the sides of the room. Taking a guess I ran towards the far door. The room inside was done in a black and white colour scheme with a view of the ocean. There was a private ensuite connected and a good size closet. Across from the bed a tv was mounted on the wall, an ipod dock right below it. This would be my room for our stay. I threw my bag down on the bed and went back downstiars to thee boys.

Louis, Zayn and Niall were just making it up into the room right now. Each one of them was dragging a trolley full of luggage with them. I jogged over to them and sat down on one of the many suitcases crowding the entrance.

"Did you find a room that you liked?" Harry asked me as he joined us from wherever his room was.

"Yeah, I did. It's one of the ones upstair," I replied.

"Do you need any help with your bags?" Liam asked me.

"That would be great! You guys got me so much I'm having difficulty even thinking about it!" I laughed as I rmemebered the long time we had spent at the mall. Even in the short time that we were there they managed to get me a whole new wardrobe.

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