4-Stares and Secrets

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I knew he wouldn't take more than a glance at me with all of these adorable little kids around. Truthfully, I've never been the cutest or most adorable. I'm was an outcast from the start. I always hang around myself, letting few in. I disappear when no one is looking. Yep! I'm a loner, yet, as I sneak a peak at Steve, he is practically staring right at me! Am I that much of an eye sore?!

Ms. Walker speaks, "Steve, please introduce yourself to everyone and then each of the children will follow in suit. Okay?"

"Sure. My name is Steve Goulse. I am going to adopt one of you, as Ms. Walker said. I have a lovely wife and two children. The three of them could not make it tonight, so I'm here in their stead. I design clothing for royalty as my job and I am donating a large amount to this orphanage, also."

I cringed at the word orphanage. I don't like the title, at all.

And so, we went around the table exchanging names. Most people talked about what they want to be when they grow up or their favorite color or animal, with one exception, me.

When it came to be my turn I said, "Yo, my name is Eevon." I said nothing more nothing less (I kind of sounded more like a guy then a girl) and I passed it on.

I could see Ms. Walker give me the stink eye.

Everyone else had described themselves to Mr. Goulse. I wanted to see what he makes of me. A mystery girl. I wondered if he would inquire or just shrug it off and forget, like everyone else.

The rest of dinner flew smoothly with little turbulence. I made sure I didn't speak, unless spoken to directly with use of my name. I did laugh, occasionally, nothing special.

After dinner, I was one of the first ones out of the room. He was starting to give me the creeps and I wanted to keep what I was doing a secret.

In a room I shared with five other girls, there is a window. Right outside the window, there are thick sturdy vines. They are perfect to climb, since they don't have thorns. I climb out of the window and up onto the roof with use of those vines. There was this HUGE tree that has two branches level to the roof. I use them as a bridge across the open air. I made my way to the trunk, where there is a "seat" that had seemed to be made just for me. This was where I disappeared to if I need some space or just a bit of quiet.

Next to my "seat", there was a knot hole where I kept some things I didn't want anyone to see. There were 3 notebooks, one filled with drawings and the other filled with writings, one not completely done. I also have a couple pencils, a book and a ribbon that I had in my hair when I was handed over to the orphanage, hardly a week and a half old.

From my spot, I could see most of the area around me, but it was very difficult to see me through the dense foliage. There were other trees easier to climb, but this one was my hide out.

"Peace at last," I sighed settling into the seat.

I think, I daydream, I draw, sometimes write. I don't do anything here that I can't do somewhere else, but in order to keep my secrets I must.

My secret is that I can read and write. You may think that is nothing to hide. You are mistaken.

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