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(And here's a SetoMary fanfic~ Only writ one of these actually >w< So this'll be my second! If you like, maybe I can make another one? Eh, who knows! Not much freetime anymore ;w; Sorry! OTL)

Everything was going great. Mary was still being loved by everyone, despite how clumsy she was (although she did apologize over how many times ones could count.) She always walked around with a smile on her face, and tried her best to help others when they worked, especially Seto, her closest friend who saved her from iscolation as a child.

Yeah, everything was going great, until she had that dream.

In front of her, a person stood, a young woman, but her height wasn't very high. She was maybe around 4 feet, but her expression looked like one a child wouldn't be able to make. This woman's eyes were red, and her hair was black, and a hissing sound, like a snake could be heard from her.

"Grandma... What are you doing in my dreams?" Mary asked, looking up from her knees.

Behind them was a completely black area, like nothing else existed but the two of them. It looked scary, but felt... just as if nothing bad would happen, even with the dark aura.

"I've nearly completed it Mary." A wide grin appeared on the woman's face, though it wasn't one that was happy. Her smile... something was off about it, as the same went with her tone, "The neverending world, it's almost done."

Mary nodded slowly, not understand what the woman was talking about while she continued, "Do you want to see your mother, Mary?"

Now her interests perked up. Mary stood up from the sitting position she was in, her red eyes wide with hope, "Y-Yes! I want to see her again! Is she alright? Is her health ok? Where is she?"

"You'll see her soon." The woman said, "Soon... Because the neverending world is almost complete, we can all live there, forever, and no one will have to get hurt. Everything will be perfect." The woman emphasized the last word with an insane smirk on her face.

Mary opened her mouth to say something, but then closed it and said with a saddened frown on her face, "But.. I can't... I have friends here. I have family. Seto's here too! I can't just... I can't leave them..."

The smile on the woman's face dissappeared as her expression was then filled with disgust, "You're really going to stay around those humans Mary? They're pathetic. We can live forever, all three of us, your mother, you and me... together, forever..."

"But what about Seto... will he be able to come at least?" Mary asked hopefully.

But her question was brought down with the hard truth, "No. Seto will die, just like all the other stupid humans."

"H-Huh?" Mary asked, her hands beginning to tremble.

"Human's don't live for a long time like us, Mary. They only live a few years, not even a hundred, before their body breaks down, stops working, until they stop breathing, and they pass away, just like that, with the snap of someone's fingers. It happens to all humans, which means it'll happen to that child as well."

"B-But Seto's my friend..." Mary said, sniffing now. Just thinking about the fact of being alone again frightened her, and she didn't like that. Even without the rest of the gang, without Mekakushidan, she would be fine if Seto was still there to comfort her. But what would happen if he wasn't there?

"No... I don't want to be alone anymore... I need Seto... I need him... I can't be alone...." Mary said quietly underneath her breath, almost hushed. 


"Mary!" A voice called out loudly. Mary slowly opened her eyes, everything being slightly blurred by her tears and she reconized the person in front of her. 

"" She said slowly before wiping away her tears on one eye

"What's wrong? Did something happen? I just got back from the store and I hear you scream all of a sudden. Are you alright? You're not hurt are you?" He asked quickly, almost too quickly that she had trouble understanding his words.

His scared and worried expression made Mary feel a bit of pain deep down. No one liked seeing a friend with a hurt look on their face, and especially Mary because she knew the feeling of being alone, and once she finally made a friend, she hurt them.

"I-it's fine. I'm fine..." Mary said, brushing off his hands that were on her shoulders, "J-Just a nightmare, that's all..."

"Seto will be gone one day too."

A small tear fell from Mary's eyes as she thought of it again. Seto looked at her with a lot of confusion, not understanding why she was so upset, but was mostly concerned as he put an arm around her and hushed her like a parent would with a child, "It's ok.... It's ok..." He said softly.

Mary didn't move very much. She simply allowed herself to be embraced as she gripped onto his jacket and silently cried, her tears touching her bed and running down Seto's green jacket.

She wanted to say something, she wanted to tell him what she dreamed off, and ask if there was any way to avoid all of it, but she knew the real answer she'd get. She'd probably get it from everyone if she told them.

All people die one day.

"I'll be here by your side forever, ok? So you don't have to be so sad, alright? I'll always be here." Seto said with a small smile as he brushed through her white hair gently.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2013 ⏰

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