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Previously on Lady Ninjas:

*Caitlin unlocks her full potential*

*Caitlin and Perrin do the "we unlocked our full potential" dance*

Caitlin: WHERE'S MY MASK?!?!

Nicko: It's right here, sir!

Narrator: It's me again. Caitlin has her mask. The ninjas are in the Lady Cave.

*The Lady Ninjas are watching the news*

Breaking News! Sharks on Land!

Alora: They'll destroy the city!

Narrator: The ninjas are at the lake with Shark. (AN: Fresh water sharks, got it XD)

Perrin: Finally I can show these losers I'm a mermaid!

Nicko: Okay, whatever.

*Caitlin and Nicko push Perrin into the lake...she did say she was a mermaid*

Narrator: Perrin is no longer a part of the Lady Ninjas. The fish now have headaches.

Alora: She's not a mermaid!

In the Water:

All the Fish: Shut up!

Perrin: Why won't this seaweed make a tail and crown?!

*Shark dies of extreme headache*

Later at the Lady Cave:

Alora: We need a ninja intern.

Caitlin: *jumps with happiness* Like on Adventure Time!

*The Lady Ninjas post a help wanted sign*

Kai: *reads sign* Sweet!

*Kai enters  the Lady Cave*

Kai: I saw the sign.

*Alora's eyes turn into hearts and she screams*

Alora: I love the way you take off your hat!

Kai: Mmm- hm.

Kai: *slowly takes off hat* Ya like this?

*Alora continues to fangirl, but even harder now*

Zane: *reads sign* Sweet babies!

Zane: *enters Lady Cave* I'm here for the job!

*Caitlin puts a camera on a tripod and poses next to Zane and he runs away with fear*

*Zane runs to Nicko*

Nicko: No! I want Cole!

Cole: *magically appears* I heard my name!

*Nicko runs at Cole with a fist*

Cole: Crazy is running to me!

*Nicko punches Cole in the face*

Cole: What was that for?

Nicko: I don't know.

Cole: *starts to leave* I'm out!

Caitlin: Of awesomeness!

Alora: Burn!

Nicko: *lights a match* Okay!

Kai and Zane: Us too! *leave with Cole*

Alora: *cries* NO!

AN: I love this chapter so freaking much! The next chapter is pretty cool, as well! Also that comes out tomorrow! There are so many Adventure Time references in this! I hope you enjoyed this and laughed as much reading it as I did writing it!

Kay thanks, byeeeeeeeeee!!

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