Can Anybody Hear Me

271 13 13

Can anybody,

Hear me when I’m callin’, Hear me when I call

Out all the names

Of the ones that I love

Please tell them for me darling, would you tell for me darling

I’ve gone away

You feel so ashamed,

It’s hard to contain

It feels like you’ve changed.

Is that good or bad?


You can’t explain.

Feel all the pain,

Those feelings aren’t vague.

And all of those tears

They stain like rain

On your tattered heart,

That now starts to fade.

Away with the wind,

Away it’s running,

Away from its sins.

Away from the place

Where no love’s given.

But lucky it can,

Lucky it’s gone,

Lucky it can hide its face

When it can’t be strong

To hold it all back,

To keep yourself on track,

To stop from looking back,

On those dreaded memories

It pricks like a thorn, kinda’ like tack

Gotta’ keep it all in

The brewing’s begin

But, hey, no one cares about

How you’re feeling

Can anybody,

Hear me when I’m callin’, Hear me when I call

Out all the names

Of the ones that I love

Please tell them for me darling, Would you tell for me darling

I’ve gone away

It’s her trust that you miss

Wish you were his kid

But then know it’s wrong

Cause you wish to tell him

Hey, I’m not yours I’m really his

But then you’re afraid

Of how wrong you’ll be

When it really hits

So you push it away

For a rainy day

That penny you saved

Will never be displayed

It can’t even be spent

To help pay back the rent

To help pay the fee to take back the things you said

So you don’t know what to do

It’s starting to scare you

Your face is turning blue

Cause your holding your breath

And it’s confusing to you

As you try to speak

The more that you do

And you try resist

They tell you to hist

But they’re not the boss

They don’t get it

So you raise your fist

But just hit the air

And fall when you miss

Can anybody,

Hear me when I’m callin’, Hear me when I call

Out all the names

Of the ones that I love

Please tell them for me darling, Would you tell for me darling

I’ve gone away


Can anybody,

Hear me when I’m callin’, Hear me when I call

Out all the names

Of the ones that I love

Please tell them for me darling, Would you tell for me darling

I’ve gone away


Hey there guys! I had to do this for my school music project when we had to do a rap, so, since it was up and ready, I figure I'd add it to this. Yeah, I know this is a song collection not poetry, but it's lyrics so techincally speaking, it is. And anyways, it's not like they have a "Song" genre on here . . . Oh and I'd say I'm doing rather well, for this to have JUST gone up today, with only one part until now, and be on the Poetry's What's Hot List. Even if it's in the mid 600s. :P

Tell me what you think! FB in external link! :D Xxx.

The Girl Who's On the Otherside (Song Collection)Where stories live. Discover now