Sammy Smut Our little secret

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Background: you and Sammy go to a drive through movie like the older ages (is it even called a drive through movie but oh well😂 and think like the 1900s where you could stay in your car and watch a movie that's what I'm talking about)

Y/N= your name

Sammy's pov

Today I'm taking Y/N to one of those old drive through movies. And no she's not my girlfriend she's my best friend. However I wish she could be friends with benefits. What I'm a horny guy 24/7.

Y/N pov

My friend  Sammy said that he wanted to take me to one of those old movies things. I actually didn't know what he was talking about but I said yes anyways.

I took a shower and all that jazz and then put on a blue and white polk-a-dotted skater skirt with a regular white shirt that I tucked it in and then put on blue flip flops.

-skip to when they get to the movie-
-still Y/N pov-
(I'm just making up a movie too)

Basically the movie was about a 1900's slut. For the last 5 min she tried to hooked up with at least 30 guys! But one guys let her and how they are in the process of making baby's. I looked over at Sammy and he hand his hand over his dick. OMG HAHAH he got a boner from watching the movie. But I decided to play dumb and ask him about it.

"Sammy why do you have your hand over your penis?" I asked and cringed when I said penis.

"Oh shut up Y/N you know why. You took 7th grade health." (My gym teacher in 7th grade was going over this and my teacher was a guy and well got a boner in the middle of class and it was so noticeable because he had on like basketball shorts and yea. Okay back to the story).

"Okay. I'm still not sure can you just tell me. I thought I'm your best friend. I thought that we would tell each other every thing. But I guess not" I said mumbling and acting like I was sad. And yes I did just play that card but it always got him to talk.

"No no we are. I kinda got a boner from watching the movie and some other stuff" Sammy said blushing and mumbling at the end.

"What other stuff" I asked honestly really confused and interested.

"Um well other stuff that I think about all the time. Like you and me having sex and you riding me and you sucking me off and jacking me off and me eating you out and stuff of that nature" Sammy said just above a whisper and now is fully red and and his boner is trying so hard to escape his khaki shorts. I knew the only reason he told me was because I wouldn't have let it go. But I honestly didn't expect that. Like I honestly would think of the same things but no one knew.

And with that I reached over the seat then I unzipped his pants and reached and got out his dick and rubbed the pre cum around the tip while Sammy just sat there so shocked but let out a mini moan when I did that.

I decided to tease him and started to pump him so slowly.

"fuck Y/N stop fucking t-teasing" Sammy said with his eyes closed so tight.

And with that I look his length and entered it in to my mouth. I put as much as I could in my mouth and I pumped to rest with one hand and with the other I played with his balls.

I come up and go to the back seats looking at him urging him to come. He eventually got the message and followed. He's so slow by the time he came back I was done to my panties only.

He stopped and just stared at my boobs. Causing me to cover up. Or at lease try too.

"Baby you're beautiful. Don't cover up" Sammy said sexually.

He took off his pants and his boxers. (Sorry if he already had his pants on. I'm writing this at 3 in the morning and I'm too lazy to look back. Okay. Okay)

Then he took off mine panties and entered with out warning. He didn't even let me adjust to his size either! And let me tell you he was HUGE.

Sammy thrusters faster and faster and deeper and deeper each time. You can't even hear the movie anymore just the moans and grunts coming from us.

"I'm about to c-" I was cut off by Sammy cumming deep inside of me.

"You're amazing Y/N. You know that" Sammy said still in side of me

"Same goes for you" I said

9 months later

"Push. Come on you can do it" the doctor said

"I FUCKING HATE YOU FOR DOING THIS TO ME SAMMY. FUCK YOU!" I said screaming and pushing as hard as I could.

"I love you to baby girl" Sammy said laughing and squeezing my hand

"Waaaaaaaahhhhhhh. Waaahhhh. Wahhh" said the new human being that was brought in to the world

"What's the name?" The nurse asked

"Jaxon Samuel Wilkinson" Sammy said looking at me smiling.

"Our families complete babygirl" he smiled snd I returned it

2 years later

"I know pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride"

With that Sammy and I kissed.


And to think I've married my best friend and have a kid with him and one more in the way... But that's our little secret

Okay guys please don't kill me. I know I've taken a long time to update. But I finally did.😁
And to the person who I am writing a smut for (sorry I forgot you name) I will start to write it after this one😁 sorry I procrastinate a lot


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