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The next morning was stressed, the house went from four people who barely knew how to deal with one another to nine people. I woke early and for a moment I forgot about everything. The sun was barely up and the shadows and room was still dark. The window was fogged with precipitation and I just laid there taking it all in. Slowly, I saw the sun shinning (barely) and felt my spirits rise. Then, it all came tumbling back to me, the backstory they'd shared last night, the way Tori's car was crumpled, and the life I'd stumbled into. I sighed loudly and covered my head with the pillow.
I didn't want to get up snd walk downstairs to deal with people who were going to treat me as useless. No thank you. I figured I'd just stay snug in bed. As I moved, though, I heard whispering, what I sat up and looked to the door. Sure enough, I could see shadows under it.
I pursed my lips and sat there trying to listen. "Shh, dude stop pushing asshole." I had to cover my mouth to hold in a laugh, that was definitely Alex. Which means Austin is definitely near, but why are they outside my door? I stood and went over to my makeshift vanity, I could hear them rustling outside my door still and shrugged it off. It took about five minutes for me to brush my hair, put some mascara on( I had to do something to not look so dead), and change my clothes.
As I was doing the last finishing things, like making my bed, I heard a thud and someone suck in their breath. I frowned and went to the door and just as I opened it I heard Alex frantically whispering, "no no no no, not here. Shit. Come on, baby, you gotta get up I can't help you," that was it, I put my hand on the door handle and ripped it open. When I opened it though no one was there, "what?" I asked confused until I heard the cough.
It was a wet cough and it came from below, I looked down and saw Alex looking up at me slight annoyance in his eyes. He'd been leaning against the door before I'd opened it and because I opened it, he almost fell back.
"What are you-" I was cut off by more wet coughing and what sounded like a wheeze. I felt my eyes widen as I took in the sight in his lap, it was Austin. Only, he wasn't happy and smiling and joking, he was extremely pale. The only color to him right now was the green color to his eyes, and even that was dull. That, and the splash of "oh my god is that blood?" Alex stood and covered my mouth, I grimaced because he had some on his hands and it was now on my face, please please don't let him have anything.
"Shh," he hissed at me and when his eyes met mine I saw the question in them he was begging me to be quiet. I nodded and he released me, he went to Austin who started coughing again and stuck his hands under his armpits and lifted him slightly. "Back up or grab his feet, Ceci." I backed up into the room and let him pull Austin in, he nodded to me and looked to the door silently asking me to close it. He pulled some pillows from the newly made bed and laid them under Austin's head to try and get him comfy, "you wanna sit up or lay down?"
His voice was gentle and I felt my body shaking, I wasn't cold though, I wasn't shaking from cold. No, it was fear. I wrapped my arms around myself as Austin coughed more. He nodded and Alex took his hand to set him up, "alright Ceci, sorry I know this is a lot to take in. Austin is-" he looks back and Austin nods. "He's part fey, as such he has depicting marks or characteristics or even gifts. Austin has adorably pointed ears, not that you'd notice since he keeps his hair so long," he says the last bit offhandedly and brushes Austin's hair aside.
Sure enough, I can see his ears rise and instead of rounding off at the top, they just sort of end in a point. "Whoa," I say quietly. Austin has sweat beading on his forehead now, but he somehow smiles, "o-ok so he has pointy ears. Why is he like- dying?" Alex sighed and sat beside Austin who grimaced at the slight movement. "Sorry baby," he says and breathes out a deep sigh patting Austin's head, "as I said. They have marks, characteristics, or gifts. Austin is so lucky he has all three. He's got the ears, there's his mark, he's got the long willowy body with graceful movements, and he's got- well this." He says gesturing to his lover who's lying on the floor looking absolutely miserable.
"Wait, how the hell is this a gift?" I asked following his trail he was laying in front of me, he smiled seemingly proud that I'd figured it out. "It is a gift and a curse," Austin said. His voice was hoarse and he coughed again causing more blood to well up on his lips. "I have visions. I don't know when they're going to come other than when I start coughing. I haven't had one in months though." He coughed again and his body was wracked with spasms and he frowned.
His eyes were bleeding now, "oh my god, do you want me to get someone? Like- Loren?" I say grabbing frantically at names. Alex shakes his head and frowns, "no. We have to let this pass. He'll dream and when he does, he'll see- something. We just have to make him as comfortable as possible." I frowned at this but nodded anyways, "give me one second." I said and slipped out the door before he could protest. I went down the hall to the bathroom, I raided the linen closet and grabbed wash rags and a small bowl.
I filled the bowl with water and wet two towels, one with warm water and one with cool water and I made my way back to my room. I fumbled the door open and kicked it closed as I got in, Alex gave me a look of confusion. "He's covered in his own blood not to mention bleeding all over my room. Here," I say and toss him a towel, "clean him up. You wanna make him comfy, cleaning him up will help." Alex weighs his options before kneeling down and cleaning Austin's face.
I turned and went to my bed and sat on the edge. I looked down to the foot of it and saw Alex's head he was moving cleaning Austin up. Every once in a while Austin would cough and Alex would clean it up. I sighed and leaned back on the bed covering my eyes, I just wanted to sleep in.

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