2~Bacon The Cat

580 43 9

Zara POV
"I need to make sure that the paparazzi get to the cafe...."I murmur to myself sorting the papers scattered around my desk into files as I brush a few stray hairs away from my face.

I sigh lifting the steaming mug of coffee to my lips and taking a small sip. I wiggle in my seat trying to get more comfortable as I look for my favourite pen.

I squint my eyes at the paper balancing on the edge of the desk which was beginning to wobble a little. Please don't...please. My arms aren't big enough to reach the end of my desk.

Just as they were about to fall a hand grabbed the papers making me sigh with relief but also narrow my eyes further when I see who it is.

"Do you haunt this office now?" I snap my lips pursing as I pull the file out of his hands roughly.

"'Thanks Justin, I really appreciate you catching all those papers for me. How will I ever return the favour?'" Justin mimicks making me growl to myself quietly. I barely know him and I just...ugh, I cannot even begin to explain. My reply is my eye roll.

When he senses he's not gong to get a reply anytime soon Justin decides to pull a chair up and sit there with this big ass god damn smirk all over his face. "What are you doing?" He asks as I read the labels of my folders and put them into alphabetical order. I slam the pile of four down on the desk and glare at him once more.

"Paperwork." Is my simple reply as I roll my eyes once more.

"What's your problem?" Justin asks chuckling at my slightly twisted face and I have to literally bite my tongue to stop myself from giving him the 40 minute lecture I give to bacon every time I see his face.

As I log onto my computer from the corner of my eye I see Justin rest his feet on the edge of my desk, my eye twitching when I think of the things he may have walked through that now are being put onto my desk. "Can you please refrain yourself!" I snap wincing seeing his shoes still on the table.

Justin chuckles to himself not even making an effort to move his feet as I internally groan. "Refrain myself?" He asks trying and failing to his damned smirk as I nod quickly, sliding a few things away from his goddamned shoes.

"Refrain yourself, stop, move, leave; I'm really not bothered in the words just move your giant man feet and shimmy your stalker self away from me." I reason tilting my head to the side and smiling whilst Justin still grins at me like the fucking Cheshire Cat.

"Yeah, I don't wanna."

"But you're going to." I reason bending over the desk.

"Well if you want to be in that position all you had to do was say." I huff rolling my eyes sliding Justin's shoes off my desk with the tips of my fingers.

Fine if this is how you wanna be Bieber, let's be a pain in each others asses.

I attach the email that came with an invitation to some charity gala in a few days from now, asking once more if they were sure somebody by the name of Justin Bieber couldn't attend. Up to now it had been a no but I guess it could be good publicity. I forward the email to scooter adding at the start how I think this could be a good opportunity for Justin to build his 'good reputation' further.

Once that was done I smile to myself proudly, taking another long drink of my coffee pouting when I noticed the mug was empty. Ugh the effort it will take to refill it. I huff rubbing my eyes tiredly and sliding my shoe back onto my foot since it had been dangling from the edge of my toes and clear my throat. I need all the caffeine I can get right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2015 ⏰

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