Chaper Toot: The Invasion of Sunky

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While Sonic n Freinds Partied ,The Sunky Army Attacked !
The Sunky Armi Mutlipliered ! 2,10, 20, 50 Sunkys !
Tails turned around "Whoosh" and sawed teh Sunkys They Yelled "Teols Toels, get Toels !"
"Aaaaaaaaargggghhh!" Sad Tails "Run!"

Somic runned amd Ruin !
"Milk and Ceral Blast" Yelled Sunkie #34 !

Knuckles fell and Slowly became Knucky!!1! "Oh no." Sed Knucky as he began farting. Tales waz mortified. Dey were alls running round wen Sanic sez "we stops deez guwys and save da day!" But no one herd him.

Then, the Sunkys cawt Tails. He fells and turnd into Teols! He starded chassing everywone arond and dansing!

Sonic,Amy,and Rogue were teh anly 1s left !!!!!!1!¡


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