imagine light my candle (rent)...with loki

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*I apogize if no one knows what rent is. I like it but ya know xD anyway I got this idea from one if the songs. I recommend listening to it but I'll ad a little note when it will be importsnt hope you enjoy*

It had been early may when you and Bruce had crested "movie night". Every Friday night someone would pick a movie. The rest of the Avengers witch now included Loki considering he basically needed to be baby sitted all the time.
And this time it was your turn. The movie you choose was RENT you loved this movie to death. You knew it wouldn't be a fsn favorite in the stark tower but who cared it was you turn to pick.
Every was seated comfrotabley Bruce and Nat sitting together on the love seat. Clint, Tony and, Thor all sat on the long couch in the middle. Steve sat in the recliner off to the side. And you were dangling your kegs over the one of the arms of the other love seat while your head was in Loki's lap. Truth be told you liked him a lot. Every one would place bets on when you to would finally hook up cause Loki wasnt good at hiding his interest in you.
Every musical number that came on you would happily sing along. Every once in a while Loki would look down and chuckel at you. Finally Light my candle came on. You loved this song.
"Oh by god this part is so romantic" you said. Again Loki smiled down at you.
Soon enough the movie was over Clint was the first to run out the room shouting "I need to go do something manly!" Making you and the rest of them laugh.
~time skip brought to you by Tom Hiddleston's snake hips~
It was late Saturday night and the weather had brought the worst thunderstorm ever. And even though Tony was magic when it came to techy stuff the tower was completley out of power. Everone was out on a misson besides you in the god of michefe himself.
"We should probably gather candles, I'll go check upstairs you check on this floor" he planned. You did as he planed. You want all around that floor until you heard music (it wouldnt be a bad idea listening to the song now) you could tell it was light my candle.
You quickly rushed down the hall finding Loki lighting various candles.
"How?" You asked
"What was that love?" He asked you quickly asked yourself did he really just call me love?
"How are you playing that? You asked.
"Oh Clint showed me how to use this strange midgardian contraption." He said holding up his phone.
"Care to dance love" Loki asked coming over placing his hands on your hip. You instinctively started dancing with him slowly.
"(Y/N)?" he whispered into your ear.
"Yes?" You stated back.
"I love you" he said pulling you closer.
"I love you to" you said holding onto him tightly.
That night the storm continued. Normally you would be to afraid to. But you we're okay as long as Loki was with you.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2015 ⏰

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