Ow! I'm Bleeding!

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Kara was dressed in black, with black tears staining her face. "I need to talk to May...alone." She looked really serious, so I didn't think twice about calling for May.

"Jade, why don't we go outside." We ran to the backyard and called May. "May, Kara needs to talk to you. I think it's important."

I didn't follow them, but they were talking so loud that I could hear everything they said. "We're over May, he broke up with me."

"What the hell?!?! Why the hell did he freakin' do that?!?! He's a freakin' bitch ass loser for freakin' breakin up with you!!" May yelled. "I'm gonna freakin' kick his little Asian ass!!"

"No, May," Kara countered. "You don't have to do that. I accept it."

"Hah! Of course you do! That's why your freakin' emo now! Don't do this Kara. You're better than that."

"There's no meaning in life anymore-"

"Shut up Kara! Just shut up! If your not gonna F'n deal with it, I'm just not gonna talk to you anymore!"

We watched as May stormed off, away from Kara. This really wasn't what I wanted to show Jade. It was the worst first impression anyone could get. I was really embarrassed, so I decided to get her away from them as soon as possible. We left the house, and I realized that it was still really early.

"It's only 3:47, what do you want to do now?" I asked

"OMG, I have no idea. Let's go sit at the park?" Jade suggested.

"Okay, let's go yo."

I drove her to the park, and we just sat on the bench.

"Max?" she said.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Do you think Kara's ok?"

"I don't know Jade. I honestly don't know. I've never seen her that sad or depressed."

"Do you think that there's anything I can do to help?"

"I don't know, do you want to try something?"

"Well yeah, I know that I haven't known her that long. In fact, I don't even know her at all. But she's your friend, so I want to help her. Do you think she'd like to go shopping or something?"

"I bet she will! You and May can take her on a girls' night out!"

"Max that's great! I'll do it! Can you call May, and have her come over here?"

"Yeah sure! I'll call her right now."

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