Chapter 7

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"Wait... This means we're cousins!" Draco laughs as he strokes my hair "that's what your worried about? Most purebloods couples are related." He was right, since when was I told what to do? "This explains so much! No wonder I am a gothic psycho!" I lean my head on Draco's shoulder "True, but your my Gothic psycho." I give him a quick kiss and ruffled his platinum hair. "I've always wanted to do that." I stand up and head toward the girls dorm "see you tomorrow!" I skip up the common room stairs.

It was lunch the next day when I told Draco I had to explain some things to my friends. I sat next to them at the Hufflepuff table (as no Hufflepuff would tell volde about my parentage)

The questions immeadiatly flooded in and I shushed them. "Firstly yes me and Draco are dating." Insert eruptions of squees here "and secondly read this." I hand them my file.

Emma was eating a tomato when reading and almost choked to death.So nothing new then. "This explains a lot" molly says. "What are you going to do when Bellatrix finds you? And I think Sanguini is a guest at slughorn's party next year." Felicity smiles. I leave my friends after a bit of chatter and go back to Draco.

The day was going well until we got to uggle studies, which was when it all kicked off.

We were in the middle of a really boring lesson about the function of a rubber duck when Harry leaned over and whispered something to emma. Being a half vampire, my hearing is advanced (I did some reaseach and half vampires also have longer life spans of about 500 and can also turn others into half vampires.) I heard what Harry said.

"Will you go out with me?"

A sickening crack went throughout the classroom as emma punched Harry right in the face. Most of the class was laughing at Harry's broken glasses. Then I saw the trickle of blood come down his nose and stopped. My stomach started to growl and I felt myself being drawn to the blood. I feel a tingling on my gums and run my fingers over my teeth which are now sporting fangs.

"El?" Draco notices I stopped laughing and I look to him. "El, your eyes are red!" Draco whispers. I quickly run out of the classroom and into the nearest bathroom. "Omg! I'm a frost giant!" Referring to the red eyes in the mirror. I splash cold water on my face and I went back to normal. This was when I realised something.

I need blood.

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