Schutzstaffel! Germany X Allied! Reader (WW2)

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You were heading straight towards Germany's mansion, fuming. You couldn't believe what he was doing, it outraged you. You knocked on his door three loud times and sighed angry, you tried to calm yourself but as soon as he opened the door dressed up in his Schutzstaffel uniform you couldn't help but want to yell. You breathed in deeply and glared at him, "Germany..." you greeted as he stared at you annoyed. "What do you want Y/N?" he complained as your rolled your eyes pushing past him. "Oh please do come in!" he charmed sarcastically as you put your two fingers up at him. You walked around the mansion then turned to him, you were biting your lip to prevent you from yelling at him and most probably waking up his stupid albino brother. "I am here to give you a warning!" your voice became threatening and it wasn't very becoming, Germany rose an eyebrow almost amused that a female was trying to make him worry.

"Warn me?" he asked his accent almost mocking you as you grunted. "You bomb anyone of the allies again and I will become your personal nightmare!" you growled as you punched him straight in the stomach which he didn't see coming. He bent forward and then looked up at you... chuckling. "You think I am afraid of a little girl?" he asked returning to his professional posture and shaking his head, his eyes cold. "You should be!" you told him as he rolled his eyes, "You think a small city like yourself can take down a powerful nation like myself?" he questioned as you looked outraged at him. How dare he call you a 'small' city like it was a bad thing, you were the city of C/N. You glared at him, "I may not look like much to someone as stubborn and evil as yourself but I am a nightmare dressed up as dream!" you growled as he chuckled more. "You think I am joking?" You screamed at him as he a had a small fit of laughter and then became deadly serious. He looked at you as he eyes showed a furious emotion, "I wouldn't be so conceited young lady!" he treated you almost like a parent which caused you to throw a fit of annoyance.

"I don't care what you want me to be Germany!" you hissed as he raised a hand at you, he had completely changed since you met him first. Then he didn't seem capable to hurt a fly... but now! You watched as his hand came speeding to your face, you winced as you felt the pain and tingling cover your cheek as his fist had hit you harshly. "Don't you dare raise your voice at me in my own home!" he growled at you, grabbing your wrist and twisting it. You whimpered slightly at his harsh movements, you could feel the tension radiate off him as you tried to get out of his grip. "Let go of me!" you screamed as he pushed you against a wall, you growled as he pushed you towards the coldness more. "Germany!" you shouted at him but it didn't work, nothing would until you shouted again, "LUDWIG BEILSCHMIDT!" he shook his head slightly and snapped out of everything, almost as if he was in a trance before. He realised what he was doing and backed off slightly, awkward and ashamed.

You turned back at him, rubbing your wrist slightly as you looked upset at him, you could barely look at him without showing disappointment. "Y/N, I am sorry..." he uttered as you shook your head and looked away. He sighed softly and looked up at him annoyed, "I didn't want to hurt you!" he tried to convince you as you shook your head, "I don't believe you Germany, you have changed completely..." you frowned and looked away. "I haven't much, I am still the same person!" you smirked surprisingly in sadness, "No your not, you are completely different to the man that I actually loved..." you drifted, he looked over at you shocked. "Loved?" he questioned, ashamed that it was in past tense. "I love you too-" he uttered to you as you cut him off "When you have actually become a man instead of a pathetic boy then I will be able to forgive you and love you again!" you cursed him and walked out of his mansion with tears falling down your cheeks.

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