Scene 16: The Morning After

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Light filtering through the curtains woke Travis. She pulled her blanket over her head for a moment, and then remembered where she was. She fumbled for the nightstand, hoping she'd left her phone there, but the surface was clear except for the lamp and the old-fashioned alarm clock.

Groaning, she slid out of bed and stumbled over to the desk, where she had dropped her bag the night before. She rummaged around, coming up with her tablet but not her phone. Great. She powered on the tablet, only to find the battery too drained and the charger not in the bag. Coffee. I need coffee.

Downstairs, her grandparents were at the kitchen table enjoying breakfast. Travis' mouth watered at the sight of her grandmother's cinnamon rolls and the bowl of freshly chopped fruit. Her grandmother had left an extra mug on the counter, and Travis grinned. Coffee in hand, she sat down at the place set for her and piled her plate as high as she could.

"Goodness, child. Don't they feed you?" Her grandfather looked up from his tablet.

Travis nearly swallowed a blueberry whole. "They do. Our housekeeper is a fantastic cook."

"Lucas, leave Travis alone. She's a growing girl." Her grandmother pushed the butter plate toward her, "Do you want cream for the fruit, dear?"

"Yesh, pleash," Travis said around a mouthful of cinnamon roll. "Sorry. I just missed this."

"Well, your grandmother is pretty handy around the kitchen." her grandfather deadpanned as her grandmother swatted him with her napkin.

"She is. But...I mean...I miss the quiet."

"Well, you're welcome here any time, Travis. You know that."

"I know. Thanks, Oma." She pushed a couple of strawberry slices around her plate. "Oh. Do you have a charger I can borrow? I left mine at home."

"Sure. Let me go see what I can find." Her grandfather disappeared into the living room and returned soon with a short cable. "It's the best I've got at the moment."

"It'll do. Thanks." She placed it next to her plate and continued making short work of the glorious breakfast.

After breakfast, she got the tablet set up on the charger and powered it on. No new messages. Do they even know I left? Do they care? She blew air between her teeth, and then grabbed the clothes from the duffel bag and jumped into the shower.

She quickly stuffed everything back into the duffel and checked the alarm clock. Thank goodness Oma and Opa live so close to the studio. I'm cutting it close. She ran down the stairs and yelled a quick goodbye, but her grandmother called back, "Don't you want your lunch, dear?"

Travis stopped, hand on the doorknob. I have lunch? She walked into the kitchen, where the lunchbag her grandmother had packed for her while she was staying with them sat on the counter next to a thermos. She squealed, hugged her grandmother, and grabbed them. "Sorry. I really have to go."

"It's all right. We'll see you later."

Yes, you will.

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