Chapter One

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~Dan's POV~

I walk into the flat at around 10 p.m. "Phil?" I yell and get no answer. "PHIL?" Still nothing. "PHIL!" I scream, hoping he is here. "BOO!" He pops around from the corner. "Did I get you?" he asks, his blue eyes glistening. "No. You didn't" I laugh, he's so cute. Wait, what? I didn't just... oh shut up brain. You are just overthinking. It came out, you didn't mean it. I reassure myself. "So where were you?" Phil asks, putting me back into reality. "I was at PJ's. We shot a video together." ~"Cool." He looked slightly depressed. "What's wrong, Phil?" "Nothing, I just missed you." He smiled up at me. Missed me? Hmm... why was he acting so weird? Why was I acting so weird? We stared at each other for a good two minutes, neither of us knowing what to do. "Umm..." I say, trying to break the silence. "you wanna watch a movie tonight?" He blankly stares then replies, "Sure! What do you wanna watch? Buffy? Death Note? We could even watch some Free!! I know they aren't all movies, but animes are good too!" He explains while walking into the lounge, me following. "It doesn't matter to me. I'm going to go change into something more comfortable if you don't mind." I say, almost running into my room.

I quietly shut the door and sit on my bed. What was I doing? I didn't think I liked him. He is my best friend. Like I've always labeled myself as bisexual, but I've never really intensely been in love with a guy. Was that about to change? I breathe in and out while I change into my sweats and my tee. I only knew one thing for certain, I was in love with Phil.

~Phil's POV~

I shuffle through the movies we own, as Dan goes into his room. I couldn't concentrate, Dan was really messing with my mind. I'm straight. I know I am. I've never questioned it, I've never been attracted to a boy like ever. Why was I all of a sudden obsessed with Dan? I really messed things up when he came in though. I missed him... a lot. I didn't mean to say it out loud. I probably scared him away. I've ruined my chances. I stop thinking and jump up. What was taking Dan so long? Was he packing up his stuff? Was I that bad earlier? I was scared. I ran to his room, and grabbed the doorknob, not even thinking to knock. I bust open the door to see a tear stained, shirtless Dan. Wow. He's so hot. "Oh god, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-" I was cut off by Dan. "It's fine. You're acting like you've never seen me shirtless. Anyway, did you pick out a movie?" I was too confused to answer. He was so chill about me barging in on him, and why was he crying? I had to know. "Dan, stop. Tell me why you were crying first." He looks at me with his glazed over chocolate brown eyes and lunges into my arms. Out of instinct, I hug back, not realizing what was happening. I feel his tears seeping through my shirt. I gently pull him off and set him on his bed. "What's wrong? Please tell me." He hesitates then looks down and breathes.

~Dan's POV~

What do I say? Should I tell him the truth? It could ruin everything. Should I lie and make something up? I breathe. "Phil, I don't know what to say or how to word it. Can we please watch the movie and let my brain settle?" Phil looks heart broken, but he nods and grabs my hand.

"It's okay, I'll be here whenever you need me. I promise."

I smile as he leads me to the lounge. This is what I want.

I'm dropped off at the couch and I fold into the corner. Phil grabs a pile of movies and brings them to me. I point to the scariest one and smile. The Conjuring. Phil is terrified of that one, maybe he'll jump into my arms. I know this is terrible, but it seems like a good idea to see how comfortable he actually is with me.

"NOOOOO." Phil yells, staring at the DVD case.

"Yep. We're watching it!!" I say, taking the DVD him and placing it in the player. "I'm excited!"

"I'm not." A laughing Phil manages get out.

"Oh shut up. Want popcorn?"

"YES! Let's use my popcorn maker!!!" Phil runs into his room and comes out with the popcorn kernels and maker. He plugs it in, having to bend over. I lightly slap his bum and start laughing. He looks up at me and giggles. That was stupid. That was an awkward giggle. I messed up... again. He pops back up and grabs the kernels. He starts to pour them in, but then spills them everywhere on the floor.

"Phil!" I say, bending down to pick them up.

"Sorry!" He laughs and begins to pick them up too.

We get every kernel and finish the popcorn.

"I should probably put on a shirt." I laugh, walking to my room.

"NO!" I hear from Phil. "I mean, you don't have to, it's hot in here anyway."

"Okay then, pushy." I push Phil onto the couch, still laughing.

The movie begins and we sit on opposite sides of the couch.

~Phil's POV~

I can't believe myself. I literally yelled at Dan to keep his shirt off. What was I thinking? Ugh. Well, this movie gives me a good chance to cuddle with Dan. So when the suspense starts to build, I scoot into Dan. "You scared, Philly?"

"No... maybe." I giggle as Dan sits up and opens his arm. Are you serious? He's letting me cuddle with him. I take the invite and lay my head on his bare chest. He wraps his arm around me and starts drawing circles on my back. "Thanks for this, Dan. You know how scared of this movie I am." I say, looking into his beautiful brown eyes.

"No problem ba-... Phil." Dan awkwardly stares at the screen. Did he almost just say BABE?! My mind raced a million miles a minute. I didn't know what to do so I just closed my eyes and breathed.

I abruptly wake up, realizing the movie finished. I look up at Dan, and he was asleep. He's so cute when he sleeps. I slip out of his embrace and pick him up bridal style. He stirs but stays asleep. I lay him down on his bed and tuck him underneath the covers. I begin to walk out when stopped by a low, sexy voice. "Stay in here, Phil. Please." I stand still, paralyzed in shock. I slowly turn to see Dan half awake looking at me. "Please." I don't say anything, I just climb into the bed. . "Lay on your back." I do as told, and Dan slips his head through my arm and lays on my chest. He smiles and falls back asleep. I was too tired to process what was going on, so I just closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

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