Chapter 7 Da Date!

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-Neptune's P.O.V.-

I started getting ready for my date while Shilo was watching TV. I put on a light blue silk dress that stopped above my knees. I also wore my ninja shoes and tied my hair up in a pony tail. Not too fancy and it would work for casual.


"Ok Shilo let's review the rules shall we?"

"Ok Onee-Chan, brush my teeth before bed, be in bed by 8:30, eat all my dinner, no sugar before bed, be nice to the babysitters."

"Good boy." I said with a smile.

No way in hell he'd follow any of those rules for a babysitter...He never does. But hopefully he would be good enough so I wouldn't have to call off the date. I heard the doorbell and went to open the door. I let Kankuro and Temari in then smiled at Gaara who was wearing his causal black long sleeved shirt and matching pants with his black ninja shoes.


"Ready to go?"

"Mhm, let me tell Kankuro and Temari a few things first though." I said and Gaara nodded, then I turned my attention to Kankuro and Temari. "Ok he goes to bed at 8:30, make sure he brushes his teeth and no sugar."

"Got it." Kankuro said.

"Leave it to us." Temari said smiling.

I nodded then left with Gaara. The night was rather peaceful and the stars never looked brighter. It was simply breathe taking. We went to a restaurant where Gaara had made reservations. Don't get me wrong it wasn't a stuck up fancy place.

It was one of those places with good food where you'd take your family. Like Outback Stake House or Apple Bee's. Mmmm~ Apple Bee's, they got the best Shirley temples~

We sat at a nice looking booth and were handed our menus. I looked through mine and looked at all the foods. Everything looked so good! Bacon burger, cheese burger, grilled cheese, grilled fish, ramen, dumplings, dango, curry. After awhile of looking I decided on the mitarashi dango and grilled fish with lemon. 

Our waiter then came around.

"Can I start you two off with something to drink?"

"I'll have sweet tea." I said smiling.

"I'll just have water thank you." Gaara replied.

"Alright, would you two like to order as well or would you like more time?"

Gaara looked over at me, as if mentally asking if I was ready to order or not. I was guessing that meant he had his order so I nodded before looking back at the waiter.

"We're ready to order." Gaara said and the waiter nodded, ready for our orders. "I'll have the salted tongue and gizzard."

"And I'll have grilled fish with lemon and miterashi dango please."

"Alright, your drinks will be out shortly and your food will be out soon after." The waiter said kindly and left.

"So have you ever been to the restaurant before?" Gaara asked, making small talk.

"Once with Shilo, but that was way back before we left the village."

"If I may ask...Why did you leave the village?"

"Well Shilo has a strange disease. It's not contagious or anything but because of it it's made him weak and is shortening his life. I was trying to show him the world so if he dies young he won't regret it. At the same time I was searching for a cure. So far no luck.."

"I'm sorry to hear that..."

"It's ok, I'm sure he's having fun right now with Kankuro and Temari."

-Shilo's P.O.V.-


"No fair!" Kankuro said glaring at the TV.

"Uh huuuuuh~ I won fair and square! You just suck at this game!" I said sticking my tongue out at him.

"You little..-

"Shilo come eat your dinner!" Temari yelled and I hopped off the couch to go eat.

My eye twitched looking at the burnt food in front of me. It looked so bad I couldn't even tell what it was, but it smelled like charcoal from the burnt parts.

"I guess I'll have to cook you something instead.." Kankuro said with a sigh.

"Your cooking isn't any better than mine Kankuro and you know that!"

"Then what do you suggest we do? Neptune wants him to have dinner with vegetables."

"I'll just try again.."

"And burn the kitchen down? I think I'll just order pizza."

"YAY!!!" I yelled happily, fist bumping the air with both fists.

"Kankuro what about the vegetables??"

"Relax, I'll have them put some bell peppers and onions on it to."

***a while later***

"Shilo you have to eat the onions and bell peppers to..." Kankuro trailed off while I ate my pepperoni pizza.

I had been picking off all the bell peppers and onions. They tasted funny to me. I wouldn't mind carrots or cauliflower, I wouldn't even mind broccoli; but onions and bell peppers? thanks..

"I don't like em."

"Well you have to eat them." Temari told me and I shook my head.


"Fine...go take your showers and get in your pj's then." Kankuro said with a sigh.

"I hate water..I'm part cat."

"Well how do you normally get clean?"

"Onee-chan makes me take a shower anyway."

"Then go take a shower or no more games tonight."

"FINE!" I yelled then stormed off.

I bet Onee-Chan was having a lot more fun then me...But at least I still got pizza >:3

-Neptune's P.O.V.-

"So when did you realize you wanted to be Kazekage?"

"When I realized I wanted to protect the village. A man named Naruto Uzumaki, who's about the same age as me, helped me realize that dream."

"Well that's nice, he sounds like a nice guy."

"He is, he plans on becoming future Hokage someday."

"Well I hope he accomplishes his dream." I said and finished my food.

Me and Gaara kept talking about different things all throughout dinner. It was pretty nice. We also had desert and Gaara paid for everything before taking me home. Only when we came home we caught Temari and Kankuro holding Shilo down and trying to get him to eat bell peppers and onions. His hair was wet but he was wearing his pj's.

'What the heck happened?'


There's the next chappy! We're getting closer to the end of the story to. It ends at chappy 10.

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