First Impressions

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Sansa stands at the window of her chambers trembling with both fear and anticipation. Oberyn Martell was going to arrive to wed her soon, she was terribly frightened of how he will be with her. Joffery had filled her head full of tales of how he would lay with men, women and beasts. I can never let my guard down. She thinks to herself.

She feels her eyes tearing up. No. I will not weep anymore. It had never helped her before when Joffery had her beaten, why would it help her now? She takes a deep calming breath when she hears a knock upon the door. "Come in." She says with politeness in her voice. A handmaiden walks in "You need to dress, my lady." Sansa nods and walks over to her.

First she bathes in scented oils and dresses in a light purple dress with silver thread. It brings out my eyes. She thinks as she dresses. She feels a sickness deep in her stomach, all she can think of are Jofferys words. "He'll fuck you like the traitorous bitch you are."' She knows he is very dangerous amd angry at the Lannisters for the murder of his sister and her children.

Maybe I can use that to get him to kill Joff. She thinks but she knows she won't. She is not a killer she never will be but she can hope he will. He may even come to love me. She hopes he will but she kows he has a paramour and numerous bastards by multiple women. I will love his children even if they do not love me. She stands as the handmaid begins to style her hair. "Could you please plait it?" "Of course, my lady." The plait was more southern style than northern as she had hoped but she liked it.

She stands and exhamines herself in a mirror. Her copper hair shines in the light, her cream skin almost glowing but it was her Tully blue eyes that were the brightest of all. Do I look like my mother did at my age? She thinks to herself silently as she asks the handmaid to get her some black bread to break her fast.

She eats very little as she begins to think of her betrothed. She wonders what he looks like. She had never seen a dornish man before and now she is going to wed one. She would have laughed if the handmaid had not been in the room with her, watching her and reporting it to the Queen. It seemed that she was worried Sansa might evaporate in to thin air just as her sister Arya had.

Her thoughts are disturbed by Joffery barging in to her chambers. "Your Grace, to what do I owe the pleasure?" She says politely. "The Martell pricks boat has been spotted. It seems he'll be here soon enough." She looks in to those emerald eyes and sees only darkness within. "Apparently he'll want to fuck you tonight before you wed him, after he's finished I'll have you and all of my guards after me, then maybe I'll give you to the dogs. They'll make good use of you I'm sure." She shudders at the thought.

Joff grabs her wrist hard enough to leave a bruise or two. "You will always belong to me, do you understand?" She nods silently. Tears come to her eyes but she refuses to let them fall. "I'll send a guard to escort you down to the stables when we are ready." He leaves as suddenly as he entered. Sansa feels the black bread about to come back up. She wants to please Oberyn so he won't be like Joff is to her. How can she do that when she was crying like a child? I am no child, I am Sansa Stark of Winterfell the blood of the First Men runs in my veins, I can be strong! She almost shouts to herself but instead she picks up her stitches and calms herself down by sewing a orange sun with a grey spear through it.

She hopes to give it to him as a gift to please him but he probably wouldn't care in the slightest but she wants to try. She sits on the windowsill and sows for over an hour, her fingers are painfully cramped but it is almost finished. A knock brings her back to reality as she calls for them to enter. Tyrion Lannister waddles in with a guard at his side. "My lady, I must say you look beautiful today." "Thank you very much, my lord."

"May I escort you to the stables so we may greet your betrothed?" She nods and straightens her dress out. She walks out of the room and in to the hallway. They walk alongside each other. "Are you well, Lady Sansa? I heard my charming nephew paid you a visit earlier." "I am well, His Grace only wanted to tell me that Prince Oberyn was arriving soon." "I'm sure he was polite." She smiles slightly. "His Grace is always kind to me." She says.

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