Just a drop of coffee (Larry Stylinson AU One Shot)

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Harry gets a Job at Starbucks and Louis is a depressed guy who likes coffee.

(First One Shot i've ever written! Fingers crossed! Plus, i've never written in third person before!)

I'll edit this later, i'm tired.... xD Plus, I will add more into this, I just really wanted to post it. So, there will be more coming up in this, I promise! For right now, just read the story I was on a roll in the beginning and then I got tired and tried to write it without falling asleep....

"Alright, you're hired! You start tomorrow, good luck kid." Mr.Wilson patted Harry's back before leaving the room to go check on the other customers. To be honest, Harry didn't think he would get hired here. Or any place to say the least. Employers just didn't like the way he refused to do what they asked. Either wear the uniform or make sure that he follows the motto 'the customer is always right' because no, they customer was always so fucking wrong.

Once, Harry had even gotten in this whole argument with an old woman on whether or not the laundry detergent you buy should be based on how it smells or how it cleans. The woman had insisted that you should buy it on how it smells and Harry just called her plain stupid, right then and there. Which got him fired of course.

Not that he was a bad guy, per se, he just didn't really like peoples opinions and if they were wrong or he at least thought they were wrong, he would put them in their place. But not in the nicest ways. It usually included a lot of yelling and then his resume got screwed up even more. To the point where he didn't even put his past jobs on it, even though he should and he knows it's very bad to lie, in truth it made his resume look better. Except when people know who you are because they have seen you a bunch of times at different stores or they have gotten into an argument with you one way or another. And those were the people Harry blamed for him losing so many jobs, although, he knew he should really be blaming himself.

But this time he had promised his mum not to get fired or else he would have to go live in his car or on the streets because she would be kicking him out soon enough if he didn't start paying the bills he owed her. Which was a lot of money.

So when he slipped on the apron the next morning that had his name tag on it, fresh out of wherever name tags come from, and it read Harry, welcome to Starbucks! It was so cheery and bright that Harry couldn't even stand it, he found himself glaring at the name tag the first time he even saw it. Insisting that that was not the person he had proved himself to be on the job, cheery and happy with that same damn motto 'the customer is always right' and he swears if he hears that fucking sentence one more time, someone, somewhere, is going to get hurt.

So it didn't really help when the girl he was working with was always in the mood to write little smiley faces on the customers cups while Harry just wrote their names simply, with no extra doodles to brighten up anybody's day. Not that he could anyway. He scowled at the people who glared at his tangled mess of curls, laughed at the girls waiting in line who tried to flirt with him because, first of all, he was Gay, and those girls just really weren't his type. 

So of course when he laughed at them it was just a cruel laugh saying, fuck off. Followed by a glare or two. Which he'll admit, did not show his nice side very much. If he even had one anymore. Of course, that side was saved for when he was forced to talk to his mum or the rest of his family. To which he smiled and said 'please' and 'thank you' like a civil human being was raised correctly. Which he was not, if he had to be honest.

The household he was born in wasn't that healthy and there had been a few bumps in his mother and father's relationship, and they ended up getting a divorce. Hi mum re-marrying soon after, which didn't have a very positive effect on Gemma, his sister, or him at all. Like his mother, Anne, was hoping it would. They didn't take the mans last name and they refused to let him into their hearts, refusing every time he tried to 'bond' with them or at least talk to them. 

Just a drop of coffee (Larry Stylinson AU One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now