See I Promised

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Ok so as i said in the last thing that i wrote i had a ruff couple of days but here is the new chapter... now but i reread my last chapter and i saw that i didn't put in snow meeting kol and snow and mia meeting freya so first i will put how that went down and then go into the next supposed to be chapter and this takes place at the compound where everyone was at last chapter just so you know.

Hayley,Hope,Rebekah,Snow,Mia: (walk into the compound)

Hope: (screams and runs up to klaus) Daddy!

Kalus: (picks her up) yes love.

Hope: daddy are we having a party?

Klaus: no we are just having a special dinner and we wanted everyone to dress up for it.

Hope: ohh so is that why i wear this dress?

Klaus: yes.

Rebekah: ( laughs) Snow.

Snow: yes mama beks.

Rebekah: lets go see kol, he's right over there (points to where he is) you see.

Snow: ok. ( starts to walk over to kol with rebekah)

Mia: Wait what about freya?

Rebekah: you two will meet her when she arrives

Mia: ( huffs) fine.

Rebekah: good. ( walks over to kol with snow) Kol.

Kol: yes sister what do you want.... whose that hiding behind your legs?

Rebekah: ( looks behind her) don't be shy love he won't bite.

Snow: you promise.

Rebekah: I give you my word.

Snow: pinkie promise. (holds out her pinkie)

Rebekah: yes pinkie promise.

Snow: ( comes from behind her legs) Hi you have a pretty voice.

Kol: thank you. Now what is your name?

Snow: my name is snow you met my sister yesterday.

Kol: that's right i did  and here she comes.

Mia: ( impaitently says) mommy beks can we see freya now?!

Kol: your an impaicent little beastie aren't you dear.

Mia: what that mean?

Rebekah: It means that you hate to wait for things.

Mia: I Do Not!

Snow: yes yes you are.

Mia: ( sticks out her toung at snow and gets into a am not are too argument)

Rebekah: stop it both of you or else when freya does come over you girls won't get to meet her. Now do you want that to happen?

Snow&Mia: (inunision say) no.

Rebekah: good then stop this silly nonsense.

                           (Rebekah,Kol,Snow,Mia continue to talk when)

Freya: (walks into the compound)

Klaus: where were you?

Freya: it is to none of your concern brother.

Rebekah: ( hears klaus and freya talking) I think I hear freya and nik talking.

Snow&Mia: ( get up with big smiles on there faces)

Rebekah: stay. I will bring her over here.

Snow&Mia: fine ( sits back down)

Rebekah: ( walks over to klaus and freya) Nik leave her alone ( pushes him to the side) freya I would like you meet these two girls but let me explain ( rebekah explains what happend)

(Freya and Rebekah walk over to Kol and the girls)

Rebekah: girls

Snow&Mia: (turn around) yes

Rebekah: there is someone who i want you to meet.

Freya: ( comes out)

Rebekah: girls this is freya. Freya meet Snow and Mia.

Mia: ( runs up to her) hi I'm Mia mommy beks says that you saved her from a bad place before is that true?

Freya: hello mia, and yes that is true.

Snow: ( runs up to rebekah) YOU LIED!

Rebekah: what did I lie about?

Snow: she isn't your sister

Mia: yeah.

Rebekah: and why would you say that?

Mia: because she doesn't have a pretty voice

Freya: that doesn't mean that i'm not her sister because i am we both have the same wrenched mother

Snow: what

Rebekah: that doesn't matter at the moment so lets change the sobject

                         ( they continue to talk and get to know each other)

ok so that is how they meet love you byeeee don't worry i kept my promise but i will upload it on another chapter tonight so just wait

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