Chapter 10

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We took one of them out.

One down, six to go.

We lost the two men and stopped back in the front of the school.

Now we needed another plan.

And we needed it quick.
"Is there another way to the roof?" Marcus asked. I shook my head.

"No, there's a ladder towards the back of the school, but I don't wanna risk it. They're gonna be alerting everyone that we're out and dangerous now." I said.

We were sitting against the wall, trying to let what just happened sink in.

"I can't believe you killed that guy." Marcus said quietly.

I looked at him, I sort of had anger inside me. It's almost as if he was afraid of me now.

"What was I supposed to do? He was gonna kill you. The way I see it, it's kill or be killed. I don't want you to be scared now, not now. We can't be scared now."

He nodded and stood up.

"What do we do now?" He asked.

I stood as well.

"We go back in, careful as possible. They're definitely looking for us. We don't really have time to think about it. Our goal is getting everyone out of the room, but the men are first. You ready?" I asked.

Before Marcus could answer, bullets clashed against the wall over his head. We panicked and took off towards the side of the school. Bullets were flying right over our heads, our lives were definitely in jeopardy. Things felt like they were moving in slow motion, I watched as the bullets were hitting the ground in front of me. I looked up to see that we were at the part of the school where you could see the classroom at. The love of my life was in that room, and these men were trying to make it to where I would never see her again.

"Ahh!" Marcus dropped to the ground, holding his leg, he had been shot.

"Shit! Come on!" I helped Marcus up and took him under the breezeways cover. I set him down and took the gun off of my back.

This was like a damn movie.

I started firing, halting the men and forcing them to retreat back. A bullet flew right past my ear, actually getting a piece of it, I pressed my hand against my ear and saw the blood. Another bullet hit the wall right next to me, I saw the angle that the bullet was coming at.

"Straight down.." I said to myself.

I looked up and saw the same sniper from earlier on the roof.

He had a clear shot. We were done for.

The next thing I saw confused me, the sniper fell to his stomach and I couldn't believe my eyes.

It was Ty, and he was beating the hell out of the guy.

Where the sniper was, he was right in front of the classroom window, Ty must've gotten out.

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