Chapter 11

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Nico's POV

 We sat on the porch of the big house.Jess had been talking with Chiron for an hour at least.Percy had asked me what had happened so I told him.But I was still confused,because I didn't understand.Sky defiantly had that demigod aura,but,Jess had gotten the blessing of ares during the battle.Then Percy suggested something I hadn't thought of."What if their both demigods?"He asked.I thought about it.It was possible.Jess walked out with Chiron.We stood up."What happened?"I asked.Jess smiled."Were moving!"She said."Where?"I asked."To Camp Half-Blood!"She said joyfully.She ran and hugged me. She started dancing.Percy looked at us confused."What did you guys say?"He asked.Jess and I looked at him."Didn't you hear us?"I asked.Percy shook his head.I looked at Jess.She looked surprised and turned to me."What is my name?"She asked."Jess."I replied.Suddenly her face lit up into the biggest smile yet."You can speak Neko language!"She shouted.She resumed her dancing.She stopped.She looked at me and said."Nico,close your eyes and imagine that your lower to the ground." I did and when I opened my eyes I was face to face with cat-Jess.I looked at my hands and they were paws. They were pure black.I looked behind me and saw that my entire body was pure black.Then with a flash of light a girl dressed in an Egyptian dress and cat ears and tail appeared and so did Hera.Jess turned into a human and picked me up and cuddled me in her arms.I purred.Then I stopped.Suddenly I was laying on my back on the ground.Percy was rolling over laughing.I stood up."What?"I asked.He got up."Y-you were purring!"He said trying to catch his breath.Jess looked at me."You know..."She said thoughtfully."Despite your human attitude you're rather cuddly."That made Percy laugh even more."Ahem."The lady said.We looked at her.She cleared her throat."Jessica,Perseus,Nico,I have something to tell you."She began.Hera cut her off."I told you, Its not the right time to tell them."The cat lady sighed."Your right.."Hera looked surprised."It's not,the Annabeth girl is not here."She said.Hera huffed."That's not what I meant."Hera said."I know."The cat lady said.Just then Annabeth walked up the hill.She stopped.She looked at me,Percy,Jess and then the two women arguing.She raised her hands."I don't even want to know."She said and walked next to Percy.The cat lady looked up."Good now that Annabeth is here we can begin."She said.Hera sighed."Go ahead then."She said. The cat lady nodded."Percy,Annabeth,I am Bast,the Egyptian cat goddess,among other things, and Hera and I have been hiding something from you."She said and Hera began to speak."We thought it would be best to hide it from you until you regained your friendship with the Hengeneko's,but now they are moving to camp so here you go."She snapped her fingers and I got an extreme head rush.


I was back on the Argoll.I was sitting in the hospital bay.It was after I had been rescued from that gods awful jar.I turned my head to see two people standing above me.My vision was blurry.I t started to clear.I was shocked to see Jess and Sky looking at me with worried faces.

A younger version of Jess,fighting right alongside Percy,helping him defeat Polyphemus.

Before that.we were sitting at the table,still on the Argo.Sky and Jess laughing along with everyone else like part of the family.  

Even before that,Jess,crying as she watched Percy hand Luke the knife,a look of understanding in her blue eyes.

I saw her,facing the helicopter that wanted Bianca and I,I saw her talking holding Percy back from diving off the cliff to save Annabeth.

--End of memories--

Percy's POV

   I saw her,Jess,after defeating the Minotaur and watching my mom disintegrate.I tried to drag Grover up the hill,and she ran to me as I collapsed,she caught me and brought me and Grover into camp.As we were walking,I heard her say."Hi,im Jess.""Percy"I managed to groan before passing out.

I hope you get the idea.Every fight and quest Percy has been in,Jess and later on Sky,was with him.Almost every memory Percy has had Jess was in.So basically Jess and Sky were big parts of his life.Jess even fell into Tartarus with them.

 I woke up on the porch of the big house.I sat up and rubbed my head.Annabeth,Jess and Nico were still passed out.Jess sat up and looked around,and I remembered all of the times she had been there for me and all the memories her and I had shared.She looked around.Her eyes fell on me.Her eyes were filled with saddness."Percy?"She said.We stood up and hugged each other.I could feel her crying into my shoulder.I couldn't imagine what she was feeling.Every bad memory we had experienced just came and flew into her head.All of our friends the ones that died,all of the battles,attacked her worse than any monster.She let go and went to check on Nico.I only had one question.

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