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I should know your in my history class he reveals himself Mr. Anderson

My eyes widen "what your the person who put that in my locker you were gonna kill my friends."

"No I wasn't I just said that to get you over here cause we need to talk about you and your friends."

"What about them" I say turning my head towards the doors hearing the music playing from the gym.

I turn back around and he is right in front of me
"So about your friends" he says

"What do you know" i say stepping back

"Okay you know the legend about that powerful one and her/him
Has special tattoo on his/her side
And his/her has lived along time"

"Okay" I say

"Well you're it right" he says

"I thought we were gonna talk about my friends" I say crossing my arms

"Oh yeah and your friends Victoria ,Brianna, Seth, Julian, Daniel, and Carlos oh and let's not forget your mate Jacob."

"What" I say

"Yeah their werewolf's and so are you well the powerful one" he says

I stayed quite for awhile hopefully he doesn't know about Tyler cause right now I can see that it says I'm a hunter all over him.

"Listen Alex I don't want to create any war or anything I just want to say for you and your friends their is bigger stronger things  out their" he says  "like what" I say
"like you guys you think their is only werewolfes and vampires their isn't" 

"Listen Mr. Anderson I've lived longer than you and I've not seen anything bigger than me or stronger then me" I say

"Well listen their is, I've been studying on creature's myths and most of them are here " he says pointing here

"Like what" I say

"Many things" 

I feel my phone buzzing I pick it up and see it was Jacob I answer it


"Where are you"

"I'll be their in a bit I'm with a friend"

"Okay well we'll wait for you we are gonna go home" he says
And I end the call

I look up "we'll talk later" he says and leaves I go to the door that says exit on it  and Jacob and everyone else is waiting outside for me .

"Hey"  I say "where were you" Jacob says "I'll tell you later" I say getting in the car

I sit on the couch and everyone was watching TV "hey guys " I say
"Hi" Julian says  I get Jacob and lead him upstairs "Jacob someone knows about us"
"who" he says
"Our teacher Mr. Anderson" I say
"What how"

"He is a hunter"

"Why do you think I was gone and not with you guys he said that he knows about all of us and that their is more things out their bigger stronger creatures and they live here in the town"

"Really" he says

"Jacob it is not the point if he finds out about Emaly and Tyler he will try killing both of them" I say worried

"Calm down babe" he says rubbing my arms and pulling me for a hug

"Okay" I say sighing do I tell Emaly about him

"I don't know Alex, maybe we should but we need to control Tyler before he goes back to school" he says

Yeah let's go we go down stairs and everyone was gone we go outside and they were on the porch I push them out of my way "what happened "  I say I look and someone was in darkness of the woods he comes out

"What are you doing here" I say

"I want to talk to you" he says

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