01| Being A Total Dick Won't Make Yours Bigger, Buddy

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A/N: naughtynachos private-messaged me and decided we should collaborate on this story. And I agreed. Why not? How this will work is basically I'll write one chapter and she'll write the other. I hope you like it! This one is written by her.

01| Being A Total Dick Won't Make Yours Bigger, Buddy

Radcliffe Heights High School was what I read as I walked up the stone steps. Kids walked past me and I felt how I always did. Invisible.

Mom said things would be different here. So far, it wasn't. I wasn't saying I was expecting a parade made in my honor celebrating my first day of school. But I was getting tired of the invisibility act.

Not looking where I was going (since I'm an absolute clutz), I bumped head to chest with someone. I was literally about to curse them out despite the fact it was totally my fault when I looked up and my voice vanished into thin air. 

He was tall and cute. He stared at me with a small grin which knocked me back into my senses.

"I'm sorry," I quickly apologized.

"No problem. Its ok. I've never seen you around here before. Are you new?" he asked, staring at me with his gorgeous pair of brown eyes.

"Um... yeah. Today's my first day actually. This place is kind of huge," I answered awkwardly.

That's the best I could come up with? This place is kind of huge? No wonder you were deemed undateable back home, Cass.

"It's not that bad. By the first week, it feels like you've been here forever. I'm Jackson, by the way," he introduced, holding out his hand.

"Cassandra. But you can call me Cassie or Cass. I don't mind really," I said, rambling like I had no damn sense whatsoever.

He smiled.

"Ok then, Cass. Do you know your locker at least?" Jackson asked.

"Yeah. Yeah I do. I think... Locker 346," I answered, looking around.

Jackson chuckled, causing me to glare at him.

"What's so funny?" I asked, confused.

"That's right there," Jackson answered, pointing behind me.

I blushed as red as a tomato as I turned and saw the numbers 346 right there.

"Oops. I didn't see that," I replied, embarrassed.

Great job, Cassandra.

"It's ok," Jackson said, his laughter subsiding, "You're kind of cute when you blush."

I grin and blush some more.

"Sorry. I hope that wasn't too fast," Jackson added.

"No. No it wasn't. I'm just not used to it, I guess," I said with a tiny shrug.

"You're joking, right? I bet the guys were all over you," Jackson replied in disbelief.

"Nope. Just me. I'm ok with it," I said, shrugging my shoulders.

I unlocked my lock with the combination that the principal had given me a week before and started putting my stuff in it.

As I was grabbing my stuff, I looked up to see a guy with the most electric blue eyes staring at me. We locked eyes for a moment before I looked away.

"Who's that guy over there?" I asked, nodding my head towards creepy stalker dude.

"Oh him. He's bad news," Jackson answered.

"Does this bad news have a name?" I interrogated.

"Yeah. Matt Landon. Supposed 'bad boy'. To me, the only thing bad about him are his horrendous grades. How he managed to make into high school is a mystery to me. He's a total womanizer so steer clear if you can," Jackson answered, his tone changing.

Apparently, Matt was a touchy subject.

"No. I'm gonna ask him what his problem is," I said, "Stay here and watch my stuff, ok?"

Before he could answer, I walked towards Matt. I wasn't the type of girl to get intimidated by anyone. Sure, I can be sweet. But if you start something, I'll gladly end it. And there's a 95% you wouldn't like the ending.

"Excuse me but why are you staring at me like a total psycho?" I asked.

"You should be flattered I'm even giving you the time of day, sweet-heart. Most girls would kill for me to even look at them," Matt answered with a smug look on his face.

"I'm not most girls," I snapped.

"I can tell," Matt said, looking me up and down if I was fresh meat.

"My eyes are up here, Matt," I replied.

"You know my name, despite the fact I don't know you, and yet you're calling me the stalker," Matt said, folding his arms across his chest.

I mentally face-palmed myself. I can not believe I just did that. Once again, I've succeeded in humiliating myself.

"Whatever," I said, not sure exactly what to say.

"C'mon, darling. Don't act like you've never stared at a person before," Matt replied.

"I look at lots of people. Doesn't mean I want to get to know them," I argued, shaking my head slightly.

"What makes you so special?" Matt asked.

I was taken aback by the question.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"You're acting as if I'm some weirdo. Which I'm not. I clearly have a lot to offer. So I have no idea why you're fighting so hard and acting like I'm not shit," Matt answered.

I sighed. Some guys never got the hint.

"You are a total weirdo. Your personality is shitty. You act like you're a sex god. Which you aren't. You're egotistical, self-centered, arrogant, have a horrendous way of flirting with a girl, and you really need to evaluate your priorities. Being a total dick won't make yours bigger, buddy. Sorry but it's true," I ranted.

"Wow. No one has ever said that to me as sweetly as you did," Matt said.

I groaned. Did nothing faze him?

"You are more demented than I thought. I'm going now," I replied, turning to walk away.

"Mind telling me your name? Since you already know mine?" Matt asked.

I turned back around before answering, "Cassandra."

I walk away back to Jackson who stared at me as if I was the Queen of England.

"Did you just stand up to Matt Landon?" Jackson asked.

"Yeah. But he's totally demented. Couldn't get a hint for nothing. Do you mind showing me to my first period? It's Mrs. Rodriguez," I answered.

"I have her first period too," Jackson said, "Of course. I'll show you."

"Thanks," I said with a tiny smile.

I locked my locker back and followed Jackson to first period. I had already pushed the whole Matt incident behind me. But I literally had no idea what I had just signed myself up for.

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