02| Lunch Is On You

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A/N: There's a gif of Cassandra at the top played by the beautiful Kaya Scodelario. @naughtynachos is no longer active so I'll be taking control of this story now.

02| Lunch Is On You

The school day whizzed by fast already so by the time it was lunch, I was starving. I hope the lunch here was a lot better than the one at my old school. Because I can't starve all day.

Jackson was being an absolute sweetheart by showing me around and helping me out. I was actually starting to grow a little crush on him.

We walked into the line and I pulled out the five bucks from my pocket.

"I'll pay for it," Jackson offered, looking at me.

"I don't know. I'll feel bad if you do," I said.

"Don't. I got your back, Cassandra," Jackson replied.

Didn't I tell you he was super adorable?

"Ok. But I'm paying next time," I reluctantly agreed, stuffing the five dollars back in my butt pocket.

"Deal," Jackson said.

He payed for both of our lunches and I followed him over to his table. There was a blonde girl there also.

"Hey, Gwen. This is Cassandra. She's new," Jackson introduced.

"Hi," I said with a tiny wave.

"Hey! New girl," Gwen exclaimed.

I smiled. Gwen seemed cool.

"Try not to be over-hyper today, Gwen," Jackson warned.

"He's just threatened of a strong female," Gwen whispered loudly.

"Am not. Cassandra here stood up to Matt Landon today," Jackson argued.

Gwen looked at me, her eyes filled with awe.

"And you didn't get pummeled to death yet?" Gwen asked.

"No. He's not all that scary. He's actually quite an idiot who can't take a hint for nothing," I answered, matter of factly.

"Well, that's true. But even I am scared of that idiot," Gwen said with a shiver, "I'm allergic to stupid people to be honest."

"That makes two of us," I joked.

Just then, I heard girly laughter up ahead and I looked up to see Matt whispering in some girl's ear. She kept on laughing as if what he was saying was the funniest thing in history.

"Jealous?" Matt asked, sparking my attention back.

I glared at him.

"No. I feel sorry for her," I answered.

"Cass," Gwen hissed.

"Are you sure you aren't jealous? The sooner you admit you want me, the better," Matt said, his voice silencing the whole cafeteria.

"Come here, stud," I said in a flirty voice.

He came closer, like I knew he would, and when he came, I gave him an oscar-worthy smile while staring into his ridiculously blue eyes. In that last minute, I grabbed my lunch tray and smeared the lunch tray all over his perfect godly self.

"What the hell?!" he screeched.

"Thought you would look better with it. Oh by the way, lunch is on you for today," I said with a victorious smirk on my face.

"I think we should both set a trend," Matt replied.

He grabbed Gwen's tray of spaghetti and piled it on my hair. I gasped and soon it turned into a full on food fight.

There was loud cheering and shouting. All I could think about was destroying Matt. Before we knew it, Principal Tyler came and I had ducked so the yogurt he was spilling on me hit her instead.

When I stood up, I glared at Matt and he glared right back.

"You two in my office now," Principal Tyler said before storming off.


"How could you do this, Cassandra? Your first day?" Mom asked over the phone.

"All I had to do is clean the cafeteria for today and then I'll be good. I promise. No more bad days. This boy was picking on me and I fought back," I answered.

"Well, I can't pick you up right now so you'll have to walk but I'll be home in time for dinner," Mom said.

I huffed. The last thing I wanted to do was walk but Mom's job was really important to her. Being a single parent, she needed all the money she could get to support us.

"Alright. Bye," I replied.

"Bye," Mom said.

I hung up first and huffed again.

"I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. I'll give you a ride home. If you want," an all too familiar voice suggested.

I turned and saw Matt. I rolled my eyes at the sight of him.

"Thanks but no thanks. I'm walking," I said.

I felt a strong grip on my arm and I looked to see that it was Matt. The look in his eyes changed. They weren't playful anymore. It was serious.

"I insist," Matt said insistingly.

Speechless, I nodded and followed behind Matt. I wondered what was his problem but was now too scared to ask. I can't believe I was actually growing intimidated of him.

Stay strong, Cassandra.

We climbed into his car which was an impressive white BMW. I buckled my seat belt and peeked at Matt from time to time. Even I could admit he was mega attractive with perfect brown hair you'd only see in those Axe Shampoo commercials and blue eyes. His jawline was even perfect. Since when did I notice jawlines???

"Thanks," I said meekly as we took off.

"No problem. Where do I go from here?" Matt asked.

"Turn left out of here and right on Frederick Street. Keep on going straight till you see a nice little quaint neighborhood. I'm the last house on the right," I answered.

Matt nodded and I just looked out the window.

"I'm not one for saying sorry. But I'm sorry for the food fight fiasco," Matt said.

I turned to look Matt in total shock and disbelief. Hours ago, he was a egotistical horny bastard. And now he was apologizing.

"I appreciate that. I'm part to blame for it," I replied.

"But the guy has to apologize. Gentleman rules," Matt said.

I laughed before saying, "Ok then. I hope you know this means we aren't friends or anything."

"Of course not. I want to be more than friends," Matt agreed.

"Oh yeah. I know exactly what you mean, Mr. Friends With Benefits," I said sarcastically.

Five minutes later, we arrived at my house and I was unbuckling my seat belt. Matt gripped my arm again and I glared at him.

"Am I gonna see you again?" Matt asked.

"Knowing you, I'll have no choice but to see you. Its going to be inevitable," I answered.

He grinned while I kept a neutral face.

"See you later, Cassandra," Matt replied.

I was silent as I got out the car and walked towards my front door.

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