Ms. Resevor

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Dear staff,
Word has spread that the two twin towers have been hit with force, causing many, many deaths. It is in my deepest thoughts to see that every child has someone to talk to on this, because I won't be surprised if any of their parents didn't make it. I am also terribly sorry for the losses of anyone who knows people on either of the towers or around.
It is okay to leave early today to collect yourselves, but just know that you may be needed here. Please do not express that anything has happened to any of the children. We will wait until their parents (or guardians) break the news to them.

Deepest sympathy,
Fran Rogers

I closed the computer and started to cry, but tried to hold it in for the children's sake. I didn't want to be the one to break the horrific news to my students.

The eyes of 9/11/01Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz