Chapter 1- What a night

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🎵So I've got some mischief in my blood 🎵
🎵Can you blame me I never got no love🎵

Hi there! Evie here as fabulous as ever!!. After Ben's coronation that turned out to be exciting and became a time of choice but hey Good is the new bad right?!. Doug and I didn't last very long we only dated a couple months and I'm totally fine with it while Mal is pretty occupied by Ben sometimes they annoy me especially when they're about to kiss(yuck) but still they're cute together. Jay really loves playing on the tourney while Carlos really bonded with Dude the dog (he looked cute while smiling at dude) Erm.... Okay fine I love Carlos but he only sees me as his best friend plus he's still with Jane(bummer). No offence though I just feel that something fishy is going on between Jane and Doug himself they've been you know pretty close well Jane better not be cheating on my Carlos or else she'll pay(loud crash).....

"Hey..." Carlos said shyly while knocking down my lamp.(why does he have to be so cute!)

"Hey! What's up?" I swear I could feel my cheeks burning(damn what does this boy do to me!)

"Ehh not much except.....this!!" Showing off what he made.

"What's that?" It looks gorgeous tho.Bet it's for Jane (sighs)

"Ohh this is a mirror I designed"

"It's pretty I'm sure Jane will like it!" I said with a little sadness in the tone.

"Who says it's for Jane?" He asked.

"Then whose is it for?" I said a bit curiously.

He put the mirror in my hand and placed his hands on mine. I swear his hands were perfectly sculpted the warmth I feel tingles my spine I was literally squealing inside my mind.

"It's for you My princess Evie!" He said while grinning at me

" I-i don't know what to say but Thank you very very much!" I love it when he calls me Princess Evie <3

"You're welcome" Wait he looked sad ohhh I hate seeing him that sad

"Hey is something wrong!?" I asked

" Jane and I b-broke u-u up"Then he broke down into tears but why would he make me a mirror when he's hurting ohhh Carlos my poor Carlos

I hugged him and comforted him in every way I can I don't understand why would they broke up until Carlos broke the silence he began....

"I-I saw her and Doug kissing in the library" I knew it! There was really something fishy going on!

"How could they! Maybe that's why Doug decided to break up with me" Jane really pulled off on playing with Carlos and Doug! Gosh I hate her now!!

"I'm sorry about that" he said

"It's fine I'm sorry about you too" I replied pitifully

"I knew it! You're the only one that can comfort me this way" he said as he let out a little smile. I could feel my cheeks start to burn damn I love him so much

"Thanks?haha" that was the only thing I could say then silence covered the room.

I was on the urge to kiss him in the cheek (this is it I'm doing it there's no backing down Evie!) I was only inches away when Mal shouted gibberish that made Carlos suprised then I accidentally or may I say we accidentally kissed each other! Well it was just for two seconds the worse thing is Mal saw us!....

"Um am I interrupting something?" Mal said still in shock

"Ah it's not what you think it is you were shouting then..." Carlos cut me off.

"You're right Mal we were kissing!" Carlos said and I just stood there shocked and speechless(why would he say that!?!?)

"Carlos!!!!" I said while hitting him

"Um okay?! I'm gonna go now! Bye!!" And with that she stormed out and off to somewhere.

"Why did you say that!? Now Mal won't stop teasing me!" I pouted.

"What! We kissed weren't we?" He replied.

"But it was an accidental kiss!" I exclaimed

"Why? Can't some accidents turn into a happy and good one?" He said while smirking

"Uhhhhrgh" I said in annoyed tone while he just laughed.

"Goodnight Evie sweet dreams princess!" He said softly to me.

"Goodnight too Carlos sleep tight my puppy!" I replied and he just chuckled slowly as he went to the door but then I heard him say something except he just mumbled it under his breath I can't seem to figure it out but I just shrugged it off it's been quite a night. I really need to have my beauty sleep.

Carlos' POV

Woah I can't believe I just kissed Evie her lips were so soft and warm and..ermm look I don't like her I still like Jane I'm just hoping she would change and come back to me.But in any case Evie really looked beautiful tonight wether or without make up she's still a princess to me..... It's been a long night gotta get some sleep hah! Finally.

Yay!!!! Chapter 1 is done I'm not a very good writer guyss so bear with me Kay? Btw even though Evie is older that Carlos still age doesn't matter in love am I right? Cupid?( yes you're right) hahah hope you guys like this chappie!😂😂😂 quite short tho update very soon

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