Chapter 2

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Yesterday was the best day ever! I got to hang out with Niko the entire day! Truth be told, I wasnt that drunk, but no one needed to know that. ;)

Jasmine, my younger sister/twin, was finally butting out for once. I know Niko doesn't like the sudden change if his family, seeing as how his mom was his closest friend, but I know a way to fix that!

I'll distract him today, and take him out on a date! :D

I sighed as I woke up, rubbing my temple. I may not have drinken too much last night, but it still left its mark. I waited a few moments before moving again.

Once the pain had passed, I quietly jumped out of bed and made my way out of my room, down the hall, and into the kitchen. I opened up the fridge, looking to see if anything was left for us from yesterday. All I saw was cake, cake, and, oh look, more cake.

Sighing again, I dug through the neverending amount of cake and finally found the eggs. I took them out of the fridge, with a little struggle, and placed the carton down on the table. I then took out a frying pan and got to work. Today was the first day without Mom, and I planned to make the best of it.



I woke up to the smell of something. I couldnt tell what it was. It smelled like eggs, but it also smelled like something was burning.

Then, suddenly, the migraine hit me like a brick wall. I clutched my head in pain, whimpering. I groaned as I flopped back onto my pillow. Why did I drink so much last night?

True I may be a 17 year old girl, but that doesnt mean I cant drink once in a while, right?

I lay there, waiting for the headache to go down, and my mind flowing freely. For some reason, it floated to the thoughts of Niko. I knew he hated my mom, which was understandable. But I was afraid he also hated me. I dont think I could live with knowing that. He was going to be my brother after all.

Man, why did he have to be the son of my Mom's boyfriend- well, husband, now. Of all the people, my Mom just had to go and fall for his Dad.

My hands balled into fists. It wasnt fair! First it was Silvia calling dibs, and now he was our Step-Brother!

A sigh escaped my lips, making me calm down. Now's not the time to cry. The day is still young, after all.

I swung my legs off of my bed and made my way over to the mirror. I chuckled as I looked at my reflection. My maroon hair was all over the place, some even sticking to the side of my face. My crystal blue eyes were beginning to get red around the edges, due to almost crying, and I could see a trail of dried saliva running accross my cheek and stopping midway.

'Gross' I thought to myself. I ran a hand through my hair, trying to fix the giant mess, and huffed when it didnt work.

"Welp! Time to take a shower!" I announced to myself. I grabbed my towel, opened up my door, and padded into the hallway. I could hear someone cooking in the kitchen. Judging by the noise, and the smell of something burning, I could tell it was my Older twin: Silvia. She sucked at cooking, and she knew it, but she's been getting better and better. Even if it is an iota at a time. The only things she could make were boiling water, and eggs. And sometimes not even either.

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