Chapter 10

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My name is Andrea. I have brother called Jack. I'm 21. Natalie is my best friend. I'm good at interior designing. Adam is my ex. Dad still didn't call. I miss mom. Lacy is my friend. The alarm woke me up. I eat breakfast, get dressed and leave for work.

The streets are full. When I reach the work, I sign in and go ask Jessie for any appointments. She shakes her head. I'm not going to check up on the painting or anything today. I want to stay in my office.

I call Jessie telling her to bring me a cup of water. She brings it in less than a minute. I drink the cup and stay on my phone until the door knocks.

"Come in." I yell. Then I regret saying it because Adam walks in. I don't know what to say to him. It's just way too awkward. I look at my desk. Through the corner of my eyes I can see him starring at me.

"Hey, Andrea." He says. "Hey, Adam." I say. I can see him smile. I don't dare look at his direction. He takes a seat. "Look at me." He demands and I don't know why but I do as he says.

"How did you know I'm your ex?" He asks. "M-my brother." I mutter. He sighs. "If you didn't know I was your ex would've you dated me?" He asks. "Probably not since we stopped talking, so it obviously meant something bad has happened between us." I say.

"But Andrea, I love you." He says. "No. You don't. If you really did then you wouldn't have cheated." I say. "God." He says sighing.

"Andrea, please? Can you give me a second chance?" He asks and I shake my head. "Why?" He asks. "Because once a cheater, always a cheater. I don't want to get my heart broken." I say.

"Please?" He pleads again and I shake my head. "Fine." He says and then he leaves my office.

I'm sure as hell my face expression was not relaxed. At all. I call Natalie, hoping she'd pick up. And she does.

"Hey." She says. "Hi." I say. "What's wrong?" She asks. "May I, um, come over today, at 6?" I ask her. "Yeah yeah, sure." She says. "Is something wrong?" She adds. "I don't know. I just want to talk to you." I say. "About?" She asks, I can sense that she's worried. "Not about you, don't worry. About Adam and maybe Lacy." I say. "Okay sure." She says. "Thank you." I manage to say. "You're welcome." She says. "I, um, I gotta go. See ya later." I say. "Okay, bye." She says.

I end the call and open the laptop in front of me. I open some documents. Most of them are some essays that I wrote when I was still in high school.

I read them all. Then I open a folder named "pictures". I find pictures of me as a child, some of me as a teen, some of me as a pre-teen, some of my brother, some of my mom, but surprisingly none of my dad.

Then my phone rings. It's dad. "Hey." He says. "H-hi." I say surprised. "How are you?" He asks. "I-I am fine. You?" I say. "I'm good." He says. Then silence for 3 seconds. "I miss you. You know?" He says and I don't know what to say. "I called your bother." He says. "I told him that there's a 60% chance I might visit." He says. And "oh." Is all I can manage to say. "I'm gonna be staying over in my old house." He says. And I'm surprised he didn't sell it yet. "So I just wanted to tell you." He says. "Bye." He says. "Bye." I say then he ends the call.

I call Jack right after dad ends the call. "Hey." He picks up. "Dad called me. He said he's coming." I say. "I know. He called me too." He says. "He still didn't sell his old house?" I ask. "Yes." He says. "How will he stay there since it's all dirty and dusty?" I ask. "He told me to get one of those house maids to clean the house for him. If he comes that is." He says and I nod. "You know, a new guy is working here." I say changing the subject. "Really?" Asks Jack. "And he's hot." I say and then Jack laughs. Then my door knocks. "I gotta go." I say. "Okay bye." He says.

"Come in!" I tell hoping it's not Adam. And that goodness it wasn't him. It's Toby. "Hey." I say. "Hey." He says. "I came here to ask you if we could like hang out today or something." He says. "Sure." I say smiling. "Eight sounds good?" He asks. "It sounds great." I say smiling. "So I gotta go, to my office." He says happily. "Sure." I say smiling and then he leaves.

OH MY GOD. HE WANTS US TO HANG OUT. I couldn't be more happy. I look at me now. I'm wearing a suit. That's what I wear to my job everyday.
I go home and eat some samosa and pasta. I watch the tv as I eat. I wash the dishes and get a can of Pepsi and drink it.

After a couple of hours my phone buzzes, telling me to get dressed to go to Natalie's.

I get dressed, get my keys and phone and then leave. In a matter of minutes I reach Natalie's house since the streets are empty.

When I reach I knock on her door. In a minute she opens it. She greets me with a hug. She looks better than the time when she was in the hospital.

"Hey." I say as I take a seat. "Hi." She says as she goes to the kitchen. "You don't need to serve me anything." I tell her. "No. The water is boiled already, green tea. I know you like it. " she says. A minute later she comes with my tea and some pastries.

"So," she sets the trey on the table, "what's up?" She says. "Adam asked me out. So them my brother told me that he's my ex. He called him and told him to leave me alone. Then Adam came to my office this morning, telling me to give him another chance. I told him no." I say. She's kinda shocked.

"You know, he cheated on you with Delilah." She says. "Who?" I ask. "You know that girl in the office next to yours?" She asks and I nod my head. "It's her. They were at a party and they were drunk. And you caught them." She says.

"Anyways, how's the hot guy?" She says. I laugh at how fast she changed the subject. "His name is Toby. And he and I are going out today at 8." I say. "Aww" she says smiling. "Show me a picture of him." She says. I get my phone and search for his social media's accounts. He's following me on Instagram and he added me on Facebook, and I have his number so that we can talk on whatsapp.

I get his picture and show it to her. "Oh my god. He's so hot!" She says, eyes wide. "So what are you gonna wear?" She asks. "I don't know." I say. "Where is he taking you?" She asks. "I don't know." I say. "Wear the floral dress. It looks so good on you." She says. "Okay." I say.
It's 7:30 now and I'm at home. Toby called me saying that he'll come take my from my house. I'm already dressed.

I watch tv until he calls telling me that he's out. I get my bag and leave. I can see his car in front of my house. When he sees me he smiles.

"Hey." I say as I ride the car. "Hey." He says. He looks at my dress. "I didn't know what to wear since I didn't know where were we going." I say looking at my dress. "No no. You look good. You look prettier than at work." He says and I blush. "So where are we going?" I Ask as he drives. "We are going to eat dinner." He says.
We reach the restaurant in 30 minutes. He helps me get out of the car. Such a gentleman. We order food and wait for it to arrive.

"So what's the occasion, I mean like why did you take me out on dinner?" I ask. "So that we can get to know each other better." He says and I smile.

The food comes and we eat. We talk about random stuff. He has a younger sister. He's 23 years old. He's single. Both his parents live in another state with his sister.

After we eat he orders us some deserts. When it's time to pay I offer to pay at least half of the amount. But doesn't want me to pay.

He drives me home and on the way home we talk. He has a good sense of humor. He helps me out of the car again and I offer him to come into my house since he already is standing in front of the door waiting for me to get in but he said no.

I tell him goodbye and he tells me the same. Then when I enter I hear the car engine, which means he left.

I change my cloths and text Natalie the details of the night. Then I drink a cup of water and go to bed thinking of him and only him. I think I might end up falling in love with him.

Maybe we could even date or get married. Maybe he already does like me. I stare at the ceiling for a while and then I eventually give up to sleep.

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