On the Road Again...

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"Come on baby I need you to breathe,"Kelly held my hand with a firm grip.

"I am bree-AAAHHH", Kelly screamed pushing. Kelly had gone into labor about an hour ago. Yeah we decided to add an addition to the family. We got sperm donor who happened to be Michael. He was like my brother. I've known him almost as long as Ive known Kelly. He said he would gladly give us his... Uh seed. I was going to carry the baby but Kelly wanted to really bad.

Kelly:"Why did I want to do thisss aaaaaahhhhuuuh!" Kelly screamed in the back seat of Michael's Rain drover.
"Michael can you go any faster," I said as I held my wife's hand. Kelly screamed in pain squeezing my hand till I heard a pop.
"Please,"I whimpered in pain.
Kelly:"Its coooommmiiiiiing!"
Michael:"Uh hell naw not on my leather seats it ain't." He pulled into the emergency exit. Michael hopped out running to Kelly's other side.
"She going to need a wheelchair". Michael ran to get one.

Kelly held my hand and turned towards me. I saw that she had a certain look on her face. I know people cry when they are in pain but those were tear tears.
Kelly:"I can't do this uuuhhh. I thought I was ready but I'm not."
"Babe I know it hurts but you'll get though this."
Kelly:"I'm not talking about the pain. I'm talking about the child as a whole. Its a whole other like that I have to take care of other then my own. I mean uuuuuhhh I-I helped raise my sisters but thi-aaaahh, this is different. I'm a reeeeeal mother now."
"Kelly look at me. You may not be ready but you better get ready because this little guy ain't waisting no time. He is here and he is ready for you. So you better any up and do this same." She looked at me tariffed.
"You weren't expecting me to lie to you?" She shook her head up and down slowly. At that moment Michael pulled up with the wheel chair. We helped Kelly into it quickly. When Kelly sat down Michael took off inside the hospital. He pushed Kelly at full speed through the doors. I ran behind him trying to catch up.

He ran in yelling.
"She's I'm labor! I repeat she is in labor. One of your own. This is not a drill." Nurses rushed over taking Kelly.
"We will escort you to a delivery room. We need one liable parent." Me and Michael looked at each other then back at the nurse then at each other once more.
Michael:"You go its your family and your wife." He sounded kind of let down. I felt bad but I couldn't deal with it right now. The woman took off down the hallway when Michael responded.
I hugged Michael then ran behind the woman swiftly.

She took Kelly and I our separate ways. I went to go get scrubbed in so I could hi in with her.

I was beyond excited. Kelly and I have been through so much. We've also built so much together. To add a child on top of that was amazing.

I walked in the room to Kelly's side. She had already started pushing She gripped my hand right way.

Janelle:"Alright Kelly push for me."
Kelly:"AAAAAUUUUUUHH", she screamed squeezing my hand.
Kim:"Babe I'm right here."
Kelly:"AAAAAHHHHUUUUH! Oh Bondye mwen li nan pral touye m ' ." (Oh my god its going to kill me!)
Janelle:"Give me one more push."

Kelly pushed for the last time with everything in her. Then her screams came to a halt. She let out a deep groan the she started breathing hard. Suddenly we hears whimpers a cry and then screaming.

Janelle:"Congratulations you guys. You have a heathy baby boy."

Six and a half months later...

Kelly:"Babe can you bring me Pierre's shoes." Kelly yelled from in the foyer.
"You didn't put his shoes on him? I thought you were supposed to get him dressed." I looked over the railing at her irritated.
Kelly:"I had to get ready too. Now can you stop interrogating me and go get his stuff."
"Swear to god you're going to make us late every time." I rolled my eyes going into his room. I grabbed his little Alexander Wang black booties. I quickly went downstairs to Kelly." She was now in the living room sitting down with Pierre in her lap. I crouched in front of them slipping on his booties. I tied them tight so he couldn't pull them off. I looked up to see Kelly smiling up at him and he was just laughing so hard at her. These where the times I was so thankful for my family. I loved them with everything in me.

Kelly:"Alright let's go babe and baby."Kelly sat Pierre on her hip. She grabbed his dipper bag walking towards the door. "Babe can you grab my purse for me. She tickled and pocked at him as they walked away.

I grabbed Kelly's purse then walked out of the door behind her. I made sure the houses alarm system was on while Kelly put Pierre in his car seat.

"Babe you packed everything."I called to Kelly before locking the front door.
Kelly:"Yeah I packed everything last night. The bags are all ready and here."

Kelly POV

We drove down the highway. We were on our way to my mother's house for thanksgiving. Well it was kind of like a family vacation home. During the Holidays they would invite most of the family to this huge house. Its like eight bedroom, nine bath, and a big ass dinning area. Then is sits on a golf course so, yeah.

The only down part of it all was my mother. I hadn't really talked to her since I told her I was pregnant. And she was livid. She said that I can do what ever I want but to bring a child into my unholy life style was to far. This would be her first time meeting Pierre. So hopefully everything goes well.

Kim:"Babe. Can you please do me a favor?" Kim gripped the steering wheel moving her neck a little.
Kim:"Please please pleeeeaase. When get to the house, no drama." My jaw dropped and I laid my hand on my chest.
"I never start drama. My mother is a judgmental homophobic-". She cut me off before I could finish.
Kim:"See, see that's what I'm talking about. Your going in with the wrong head already. You need to start with a clean slate every time you walk into that house."
"Ok ok you are correct. Its a new day. I was quite for only a second before I blurted out my feelings. "BUT I swear on everything that I love if she comes at me sideways."
Kim:"Ok whatever Kelendira." I cocked my head to that side at her tone.
"What is that supposed to mean?"
Kim:"It means that I would make our lives a whole lot easier if you where to look at this like an adult." I was completely offended and shocked at her words. What she mean,"like and adult"?
"Oh some I'm childish now?" I folded my arms.
Kim:"No thats not what I'm say-"
"No no no, you already said it. So remember that when you want some childish pussy later." I rolled my eyes looking out the window.
Kim:"Babe don't be like that." I played my head against the window and drifted off slowly.


I was awaken by Kimberly putting het hand on my thigh. I realized we had been on the road for a while because it had gotten dark. The highways where only lit with the lights from the few drivers on the road. Kimberly gave my thigh a little squeeze massaging it. She started to stroke it slowly. I looked at her narrowing my eyes.
"What are you doing".
Kim:"I'm not doing anything but touching my wife. Is that ok if I touch you?"
"Surrre", I whispered dragging out the r.
I rubbing started to moving toward the inner part of my thigh.
"Are you trying to do this right now? While your driving?"
Kim"Shush your going to wake the baby."
My head snapped down at my lap when I felt her lift my shirt up. She shoved her hand into my pants.
"Kimberley sto-uuuh." I let out a moan as she fingered me slowly. I grabbed her wrist but she just stuck them into me deeper. My eyes rolled back a little. I bit my lip hard then let out a sigh.

I know this was not the right place but it felt really good. Kimberly and I have been so busy with Pierre. By the time the end of the day hits we ate both exhausted we go straight to bed without barely looking at each other. So when. We get a free space for sex we take it.

I moved my hips against her fingers. Sort of like I was ridding them. "Sssss shiit" I whined quietly. "Aahh fuck". I could do feel myself getting closer and could she too. She stoked her fingers in and out of my tightening walls.
Kim:"Damn babe you got a lot of grip."
She sped her pace up making me cum instantly. I gripped the arm rest and kind of lifted up off the seat. I bit my lip even harder then before as I released onto her fingers slowly. My legs shook for about thirty seconds before my body went limp. Kim took her hand out of my sweats and licked them clean.
Kim:"You taste fantastic." I laid back and closed my eyes.

Boy this was going to be a long trip....

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