Kelly:No More Lies...

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Kelly POV

I turned over in bed to see Kim wasn't there. Witch was kind of weird she was never the early riser. I sat up with blurred vision. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes I swung my feet off the bed getting up. The bed shifted as I moved. I walked across the hard cold wooden floor. I went to the curtain letting in the beautiful bright sun. I look out at the view for a second. It was gorgeous. The sky touched with a blue tent. The ocean washed the beach shore taking and returning sand. It was so calm yet powerful. I smiled just thinking about my Kim.

Turning around about to go take care of my morning hygiene something caught my attention. It was Kimberly sitting there. She was very still I hadn't even noticed her. I made my way to the distracted woman. "Good Morning." I kissed her softly on the cheek. But she didn't return it. She always returned my kisses. Kimberly gave me a tiresome look and I knew were this was going.

"Kim please." I tried to turn walking away. Going on about my business I kept straight for the bathroom. Her words made me come to a halt.

Kim:"Please Kelly." I stood there with my back to her. Should I keep walking or dismiss the situation? But if I did that, how long? How long would I keep putting it off to tell her? "Why do you keep lying to me?"

"I'm fine." I bit my bottom lip trying not to cry. It hurt every time I lied to her. But it's because I want to protect her, even if it the truth.

Kim:"Look me in my eyes and lie to me." My heart broke against her hard words. I knew Kim had known I was lying. I never expected her to call me out on it. I turned around slowly. My eyes glossed over from emotion. "What did they say?" I let out I quiet sigh and with it went tears. I sat onto the messy bed. I covered my face with my hands. I hated crying.

"Don't make me do this." I knew what was to come next would kill her. She says she wants the truth witch she deserves it. But she didn't really want it."

"What did they say?" She wanted to hear the truth well here it goes.

"It's an infection in the valves of my heart. It spread to my lungs and liver." I tried to hold in the emotion but the front was a fail. It hurt a lot more now that I was saying.

"What about treatment?" I knew she would ask. I mean what about it. I have a rapid crazy bacteria slowly shutting down my organs. My voice shook as she let out a sigh.

"It's terminal." The words blistered my lips. I kept my head down trying not to look at Kimberly. She shook her head denying it. "They said there's nothing they can do. Odds are its everywhere now it just hasn't presented itself. Any treatment at this point would be a waist." I rested my arms on my knees trying to catch my breath. Tears fell even faster.

Kim:"How long?" Kim tried to recollect her thoughts.

"Kimberly please. I can't hurt you anymore then I already have." I sobbed into her hands. I couldn't take this. It was too much. I felt like I was going to crumble into dust. I was doing this to Kim making her suffer like this.

Kim:"How long Kelly?" I sniffled a bit before I answered.

"Seven months."

Kimberly rushed past me stumbling a bit. I heard a thump and then the bathroom door close. I sat there hand my head. I fell to my knees sobbing. I wasn't crying because of what was happening to me. I had expected that a long time ago. I was crying about me see Kim like this. Putting her through this. The pain and the burden of it all. That's what hurt me the most. 


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