Chapter one

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Author: Hello and welcome to my try with my oc mkay so in this story I play as the readers mother so my description for my kitsune oc I have long brown hair bright green eyes white ears and tail.

Sesshys POV

I was walking with jaken and rin. When we saw a a burnt mansion.
Two kitsunes lay on the ground dead.

I unsheathed tensaiguya(have no clue how to spell) and chopped away the soul eaters. They came alive.

Yuunas POV before dying

"My child what do desire?" I asked my ONLY daughter.

"Mother I would like to meet my little brother." She said.

"Then go to the spring mansion and await his arrival." My son Yun said. ( male oc )
She got up and left.

During the attack.
3rd POV.

<n> just left when her father naraku came to capture her and make her his bride.

Naraku POV

'Where is she?' I thought

"Where has she gone?" I yelled.

"She has left." Yuuna said.

"I know that!" I yelled.

"She left for the spring mansion."
Maiso said grinning evilly.

<n> POV

I was running I felt a strong miasme coming from home. I tripped and collapsed.

Shippo. POV

I smelt another kitsune. I followed the scent and saw a female kitsune with <ur/descrip> and white tail and ears collapsed on the ground

"Shippo why di-." Kagome started but didn't finish when she saw the girl.

"She's breathing good." Kagome said.

"Kagome who is this girl?" Miroku said.

"<n>?" Sango said.

"Who is there?" The girl said.

"<n> are you alright?" Sango asked. She nodded.

"Kagome!" Oh no its kouga.

"What kouga?" She retorted.

"Who's this?" He asked.

"This is<n>, why do you ask?" She said.

"Well she is now my new fiancé."

Your POV


"Oh yes you are." He cooed.

Kouga POV

She jumped up and kicked me in the stomach.

"Now have a nice-." She stopped and looked at shippo.

"Is your name by chance shippo?" She asked. He nodded.

"Found you little brother." She cooed picking him and nuzzling his check with hers.

'Not fair.' I thought

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