Chapter 21

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The next morning, Blast woke up inside his hotel room. Some of his larger wounds had scabbed thanks to the spells that had been cast on him. Blast put on his torn vest and attached the scabbards of Raiju and Akaka to his belt. Blast ate the breakfast the staff had snuck into his room, thankful they weren't his enemies, and left the room to do some shopping.

"I can't go around all of town in this shirt." Blast said to himself. He first went to find a shop that sold vests, and once he found one, was surprised at the range of vests.
Blast managed to find the orange section of the vest shop, and went through the different shades of orange and patterns. He soon found a light shade of orange vest than the one he had with red tomoe on its front.
Blast exited the shop after paying and putting on the new vest and retraced his steps back to the bar, grabbed the book for the request, and took the instructions to the blacksmith, the book shop next door to it, was more noticeable. The paint of the shop radiating like a fog to the other side of the street, or the blacksmith could create a really odd smoke. Entering the blacksmith, Blast realised it was definitely the paint.
Confronted by the head blacksmith, Blast unsheathed Raiju, after haggling down the price, badly, for one percent less than normal, Blast gave the sword and half the money he earned the previous day to the smithy, who told
Him to come back tomorrow. Blast left the blacksmith and heard the sound of thunder, despite the clear sky.
Blast then entered the building that's colour filled the street, inside, was a more relaxed, gentlemanly affair, with organised shelves holding books and a counter with a glasses wearing assistant behind it. Two other customers were in the store, Blast talked to the assistant and got directions to the Fire Grimoire section after giving the book he had transported to her.

The books were basic, the only one Blast hadn't read in the Creation Village was a book on Fire Gun Magic, which didn't take Blast's fancy. He returned to the assistant.
"I heard, that there was a special book with Fire Magic in it." Blast said, calmly to the assistant.
The assistant gained a worried look, said she'd contact the manager, got up, and returned to sit down, told Blast to wait a minute and she served a customer that had finished browsing and bought a stack of books.
The manage then appeared, an old man with white moustache and beard, wearing a brown gentlemanly outfit, he spoke with an accent unfamiliar to Blast.
"You're after a book are you?" He asked.
"Yes, I am, I heard this store had a particular book about Fire Magic, I'm Blast by the way."
"Oh, trust me to forget my manners, I'm Peter. Yes, we have a few books about Fire Magic, and we might have this particular book, but I can only give it to someone with the right reasons for wanting it." The manager said.
Blast began by explaining the events leading up to where he was, including about Maria, but not the voice that talked to him a few nights ago.
"Decide for yourself if that is reason enough, but I'm not sure if I can kill or defeat another God if I have to, I have no idea what happened when I blacked out against Kagutsuchi." Blast said.
"If I believe those reasons are good enough, I'd be a fool to not give you the book. Do you know what it is though, Blast, Chosen by the Fates?"
"Only an advanced level Fire Grimoire, I should of done more research into the matter, I don't understand how that Gun Magic even works."
"This book was made before guns, no need to worry, guns are new things anyway, and are almost meaningless next to Magic. The problem is, the book's spells are that of Dark Fire Magic, possibly hated by the Gods equal to that of their hatred towards these New Gods, but they are more powerful, possibly enough to defeat a God, although it still will be a struggle to deal a final blow." Peter said. "If you kill a New God with this power, they won't mind, but use it against one of their own, and there might be more mayhem to follow."
"I'll take that risk then, if you think I'm worthy and capable of using this book for the best for the world."
"There's No question then, let me get it out and you can have a quick look for yourself, we can arrange the price in a minute. I bought it for fifty, considering the fact you're Chosen by the Fates for a quest..." Peter said, his voice sounding distorted as he walked away, a minute later, the atmosphere of the shop darkening as Peter reappeared.

Blast had a quick glance through the book, the spells were more powerful, and came with more risk to ones life if overused, Blast and Peter got haggling, and Blast bought the Grimoire for forty, Peter happy that he was playing a part in protecting the world should Blast succeed. Blast also bought a book on Raijin and Raiju, to see if it held a hint to advance Maria's use of her mystic sword. Blast then went to see Maria, but was informed that she was in an operation. He went to another shop, and bought Maria a gift, before returning to the bar to speak with Jonathan while he read his new Grimoire.
Blast only got lost once on his way to the bar from getting Maria's gift.


Entering the bar, which had one other costumer, Blast sat down at a table and opened up the new book.
"Nice, a new shirt." Jonathan said from behind the bar counter, "I was just finishing putting some new stock in storage for me to liquify later"
Blast looked at the bartender, and returned to his book. "Any new flavours then?" Blast asked, his eyes going over the term 'God Level Spell.'
"This time, I do, watermelon. No idea what it tastes like." Jonathan replied.
"That's what I'm drinking now, it's not that bad actually, and that's on its own." The customer added.
Jonathan looked at Blast again from behind the bar counter. "Is that the book I mentioned yesterday?"
"Yes, it is."
"Any good?"
"It's certainly stuff I've never seen before, it might be a while before I use any of it, this is quite powerful, risky and dark stuff." Blast replied.
Jonathan made himself a drink while Blast answered and took a mouthful of the liquid.
"Did you see Maria?" The bartender asked.
"I tried to, but she was being operated on, so I bought her a gift for when she comes out, and put her sword in the blacksmiths."
"She'll look like a new woman when she comes out of Artemis's temple, although I won't be able to compare it to the old one." Jonathan said.

"That was good, can I have my usual Jonathan?" The other customer asked.
"Sure, Blast, do you want anything?"
"I'll have some lemon and lime again, that was quite nice when I had it last time." Blast said, closing the book after reading about the second spell in its pages. He then put the book with Maria's clothes and the book about the Thunder Kami in a large reinforced paper bag, able to take the weight of a full grown man. Jonathan served Blast the drink, which Blast payed for when he left to return to the hotel for the night.


The next day, Blast returned to he blacksmiths, and picked up the repaired Raiju, its edge gleaming like lethal lightning, now straightened from the chips it had gained from its uses recently, caused from mispronouncing its summoning spell that summoned a part of Raiju to attack like an electric spell. Blast sheathed the blade in its scabbard and left, having payed for its service the day before.
Blast then tried again at the hospital, to be turned away again for the same reason. While Blast recovered, his routine was to go and try to see Maria, and then do light labour requests given at the bar, reading his books when he could.

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