1: first time

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It was Friday night and your parents were away, you know what that means. No, not going to a party, having a marathon of whatever TV show was on this late and eating whatever you could find. Just as you were about to eat a Pringle, the door knocked. Sighing, you got up and started to make your way to the door.

You froze just before you got there- who knocks on the door at 1 in the morning? You ran back to the kitchen before grabbing a knife and quietly creeping to the door. Looking through the peep hole (is that what they're called lmao) and noticing that it was just your boyfriend Isaac, looking down to the floor.

A wave of happiness surged through your body and your heart beat quickened; you liked him a lot, hell you loved him, you just didn't want to tell him yet in case he left you.

Realising it was probably important for him to come round in the middle of the night, you dropped the knife to the floor and opened the door. "Isaac?" You asked softly. He looked up and as you admired his beautiful face, you noticed that sounding his beautiful blue eyes, was black bruising appearing amongst his flawless skin. "Isaac?" You asked again, taking a step closer to him.

"Y/n I'm sorry I came round this late I-I got into an argument with my dad and left, I just went back and he's not there, so I came here to see you. I didn't know if you would be up or not..." You silenced him with a gentle kiss. When you leaned back you saw that his lips were parted. This wasn't the first time you two had kissed, but Isaac didn't really like PDA and he never usually was aloud out of his house unless he needed to study.

"Listen, Isaac, you can stay here if you want to, because my parents are visiting my auntie and uncle so they won't be back until Monday morning" you touched his face gently and he winced. "Sorry" you whispered, scared that if you raised your voice it would break him. He was so precious and all you wanted to do was protect him from his stupid father.

"You wanna watch a movie and cuddle?" You asked. He nodded, keeping his head down. This made your heart hurt, he hadn't smiled yet.

When you'd arrived upstairs, he sat down on your bed, still keeping his head hanging low. "Do you wanna talk about it?" He shook his head. You sighed, it was so hard to reach out to Isaac and even though he was barely talking to you, you were the only person he spoke to. "Well I'm gonna grab some clothes from Y/B/N's room for you to wear tonight"

You walked towards your brothers room, who was away at college. Grabbing a plain white t shirt and some grey sweatpants, you walked back into your room, telling Isaac to get changed in your bathroom while you went downstairs to grab some food.

Carrying near enough half the kitchen upstairs with you, you tripped because you couldn't see where you were going, making a loud bang. A worried Isaac came running out of the bathroom. "Oh my god, y/n, are you okay?" He asked, leaning down to check on you, brushing your hair out of your face as you began to laugh. He sighed leaning back, a small smile playing on his lips.

When you laughter had sub sided you explained to Isaac that you couldn't be bothered to keep going back down to grab food so you took it all in one journey, but then you couldn't see where the steps were so you tripped.

He laughed, leaning forward and brushing a piece of hair behind your ear, gazing into your eyes he whispered, "I love you y/n y/l/n," before pressing his lips against yours. You stomach was doing somersaults and your heart was beating so fast you thought it was going to burst. You sat up, still kissing him and managed to knock some of the food so it fell all the way down the stairs again.

He was the one to pull away, a nervous expression on his face as to how you were going to react to this. He looked down, knowing rejection was going to happen. "Isaac..." You whispered, "I love you too". When he looked up, he was the happiest you had ever seen him. You pressed your lips against his again for only a second or two. Before leaning back and admiring him. "So.." He started, "are you gonna pick that up?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2015 ⏰

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