Chapter 1: Deceit!

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This is my second BL novel, since the first was popular, I'm writing another. Hope you like.

Flashback ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Kain! Come here, sweetheart! I know you must be worried about me. But listen; Everyone live and dies. So be my strong man and take care of yourself. Even if your dad doesn't, okay!

"Maria, would you stop telling this child, unnecessary idea's. The only thing he should be worrying about is his education. So he can become one of the elite's and nothing else."

"Marcus! He's....... Only....fifthteen! Give the boy a chance for youth before shoving him into your world of power, greed, maturity and deceit!

" That's right he is fifthteen now! Partially an adult. He needs to step up. He's going to be taking over my law form in just a few more years and as my only child he needs to get his act together. " beep , beep, beep!! Yes Hello! I understand. I'm on my way! We'll continue this conversation later. I'll let the nurse know to check on you later. Let's go son!"

~~~~fast forward of flashback ~~~~~

" listen love, it seems that I won't be able to see you grow into a wonderful man. Many things are going to happen when I'm gone. But always remember: follow your instincts and love who you see fit, not what your father tells you to, be a good boy okay!"

" Mom! Mom! " please not leave me mom! Mom!"

"Aahhhh! ( heavy breathing). Clutches unto his chest and trys to catch his breath. Geez, that damned dream again. Hah!"

Kain's POV ##############

K- " damn it! I've been having that dream lately and its pisssing me off."

" you mean the dreams about your mom, sure they aren't memories."

K- " whatever James, doesn't change the fact that it pisses me off."

J- "you know , Mr.Johnson keeps asking why haven't you picked a club yet."

K- " tell Mr.Johnson to go to hell! I'm going to the garden since I'm not in a club, see you."

J- " then pick one. Don't walk away I'm not done talking. Ugh! Seriously, why I'm I even your best friend."

K- " cause your the only person that can be around me and doesn't make me sick, I'm going to check on my babies."

J- " Geez! Just look at how he talks about our home room teacher, hah! He really needs to stay away from those flowers."

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