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"You are a very pacified gentlewomen."

I refrain from rolling my eyes at the irony of this statement. My parents would have my head if I ever let my tongue go. But I'm sure the more words I speak, the less time I have to listen to this mans voice, wouldn't that be wonderful? This wooden bench is getting more uncomfortable by the minute, but not as much as his presence.

"You are exceedingly pulchritudinous, " Ah, I see wooing me with gaudy words, how mundanely creative. He starts to lean in closer, any more advance and this brute better be prepared to have a blow in the face. "Your eyes sparkle like the stars," he slowed down and moved in even closer,  "and your lips as crimson as a rose." This time he closed his eyes and went for a kiss. I shoved him back and swung my feet to start walking making sure they made harsh contact to his shins as I was walking away.

"Katherine, wait!" I hear from behind me. I simply scoff and continue. As I hear heavy panting growing closer behind me, I hasten my step. I can tell he's running, no speedily limping, why not give him that much more of an exercise? I turn around abruptly as I fell a grasp on my shoulder.

"At least allow me to escort you home," he turns to his carriage. I look at him, then at the carriage.

With defiance, "I am more than capable to walk," 

"It's not proper for a lady to be walking the streets by herself," he contended.

"I've been roaming the streets of Boston for years with no more than a bad taste for barbarian men, like yourself." He stood aghast, to which I couldn't help but sneer. I curtsied and soared down the avenue, head held high, parting company with critical hindsight.

My parents need to end this charade of match making. They took the responsibility upon themselves to find me a suitable, wealthy and educated, mate. But the only characteristic that seems to come with wealth is the pleasure in a delightful figure, but I refuse to be pursued because of my physical appearance, but no one seems to be interested in the person I am. No matter, I will simply live out my life as an adventurer, never rooted anywhere, always finding new discoveries and new places. Going to exotic lands, with cultures, landscapes, food, traditions likened to what I've only read about... Oh, a corner more and I'm at my home on Beacon St., I hope no one is looking out the window, to see no coach bringing me home.

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