Chapter 5

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I'm not really proud of this chapter, I was lazy at the end, I'm sorry guys to update this. Also it's a boring chapter so 😕


It was around eleven a.m, Katy was still sleeping. She had a hard day yesterday after what happened. I still can't believe he did that. He was too much protective over the one he loved that he didn't let her free. The worse is that Katy didn't see that there was no trust in this relationship. He didn't believe in what she said even if it was a lie. I can't believe he cheated on her just because she meet male friends. I never see her as devastated as yesterday. He really hurt her and it breaks my heart. It breaks my heart to see her unhappy. The tears falling from her big blue eyes, I wish I could dry them all.

She was sleeping on the couch, I didn't want to wake her up if I take her and laying her in her bed. Plus, I don't think she wanted to sleep in that bed now.
Me, I didn't sleep that much, I sleep with her in my arms and the sun woke me up.

I decided to go to Starbucks and take her a coffee.

I wrote on a paper that I put on the table saying I was going out I will come back soon. Then I took my keys and leave the house and get on my way to Starbucks.


I opened my eyes and looked around me. I was on the couch with a blanket on my legs and my phone was on the table next to me.
I unlocked it, it was almost noon.
I stay in bed for five minutes maybe. Staring at the fluffy blanket, thinking about yesterday.

I wish it would never end like that, not in that way. I remember every moments, every seconds. His hand on a body that wasn't mine drive me crazy. What I did wrong to make him do it? I think I already know the answer: I lied and see another man. I want him with me right now, I want him to wrap his arms around my neck, to give me kiss until my lips hurt, I want him to be next to me saying "I love you". I miss him so much.

The sound of someone opening the front door interrupted my thoughts.

"John?" I said looking at the door.

"Oh you are awake? I took you a coffee at Starbucks." He showed me the coffee with "Katie" on it. Damn, they don't even know how to write my name.

"Thank you." I smiled.

I put my blanket away and get up to take my coffee.

"Where do you go?" John asked me raising his eyebrow.

"I'm gonna wash that dirty laundry." I whispered in a sadly voice.

"Nah, I will do it! Don't worry about that. I think throw them in the trash isn't a bad idea?" He asked me.

"Okay." I turned around and sat in the kitchen in front of John.

John went to the bedroom and I stay there, staring at the coffee when my phone rang.

"Hi?" I waited.

"Um... Katy, this is Dylan." The voice said carefully. I didn't say a word when he took a breath and continue. "I wanted to tell you that I am so sorry for what happened yesterday, I was lost and I wasn't myself this night. You hurt me so much that I didn't think of the consequences." He apologized. I felt like it was really sincere.

"It's my fault, I shouldn't lie to you. You don't have to apologize, it's me, sorry." A tear escaped from my eyes and I let it fell on my cheek.

"It's okay, I forgive you." He said calmly.

"Can we meet for the lunch, babe?" I asked putting my hair behind my ears.

"Okay, I will take you in thirty minutes. Be ready!" he hung up.

My lips turned into a smile when John came at me. I looked at him with a big smile.

"What?" He asked me, confused.

"Dylan and I are back together!" I smiled bigger.


She is kidding, tell me she is kidding! No, it can be possible! Nah, she jokes.
This guy hurt her so much and she comes back with him?

"What's wrong with you Katheryn?!" I yelled. She was looking at me, confused. Did she expect me to be happy for her? "This guy is an awful person!"

"Do not say that! You don't even know him!" She defended this fuckboy.

"I don't need to know him to say that he is awful!" She made me so angry.

"It was my fault! He did nothing wrong!" Is she realizing what she just said?

"HE DID NOTHING WRONG? DAMN, KATY OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES! HE WILL HURT YOU AGAIN" I shouted at her. "ARE YOU THAT STUPID?" I shouldn't say that, I regret it immediately when I saw her eyes became full of tears.

"LEAVE MY HOUSE NOW! LEAVE THIS HOUSE NOW AND NEVER COME BACK!" She yelled at me, pointing the front door.

"Good!" I took my stuffs, turned on my heels and leave this house full of anger.


It's a good thing, he was the problem. Now I can be happy with Dylan again and don't worrying about this stupid man.

I checked the hour and decided to get ready for the lunch with Dylan. I put the earrings he gave me and put on a beautiful long dress. I curled the end of my hair, looked in the mirror. I was ready.

Someone knocked at the front door and I went downstairs to open it and saw Dylan as beautiful as always. He put his hair away from his green eyes and smiled.
I jumped into his arms and he grabbed my waist.

"I missed you so much baby!" A tear of joy fell from my eyes.

"Me too." He kissed me and entered in our house. "Are you ready princess?"

"Yeah I am!" I blushed hiding my cheeks.

He took my hands and we went to the restaurant.

Feeling his hand in mine, his body next to mine was the best feeling ever. He is the perfect man, he's the love of my life.

Dylan was drunk this night when we came home so I decided to drive.

I put my purse on the floor, Dylan grabbed my waist and kissed me and he started putting his tongue on my mouth. We difficulty made our way to the bedroom and he laid me on the bed still kissing me more passionate.

"Get your clothes off" he whispered in my ear.

"Stop Dylan, you are drunk!" I laughed.

He took the bottom of my shirt and tried to get it off but I took his hand to stop him. Unfortunately he was too strong for me.

"Stop this Dylan!" I pushed him away but he came closer, kissing my lips while he tried pull it off again.

"Stop Dylan!" I shouted trying to escape from his arms.

"Oh why don't want to have fun a bit? You are not funny!" He growled.

"I just want to sleep." I looked down, feeling guilty.

He rolled his eyes and laid on the bed and fell asleep, letting me here.

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