
18 0 0

Argmygous, 17th Batillion Sector
Sun 6,307,712,902 GOT
13:09 BT


"Igebel! Igebel, awaken!" My GM shouts down the echoey passage of our unit. "If you don't get up, we'll be late for the Techno launch and you for university. They won't tolerate another interference. I've let you rest long enough."

   Sighing, I roll over on my recharge mat. I take a glance out of the one small peephole that I was allowed to have. The star colored tinting distorted the image of the hectic streets, and the huge Techno that loomed high above the Scions.

   I lay flat again and typed in my life code. My techno interface linked itself around my glimmering wrist while it began initiating my morning routine. Nebula coverings clothed my body in their sheer smoothness today, as it was a special day.

     My supplements were swallowed and hover soles floated to my side for me to slip on. I stood up before exiting my subunit and let the soles carry me towards the gathering room.

   My GM is my Genetic Mother. She birthed me nearly six thousand suns ago with BF, my Biological Father. Shortly after he returned from the intergalactic war, he was killed in a hover accident.

   He was a great man, having been one of the few to breach the Milky Way barricade. The weakened forcefield will allow the Techno to pass through on its search for new life forms.

   The launch is today, about a quarter sun from now. The reason that we get to witness the launch is because when my GM was deemed Mateless, we were relocated to the middle of Batillion, the Sector 17. It's where all of the major happenings come to be.

    With living here comes a price that is sometimes hard to accept. Unlike the virtually non-regulated Isle of Star, Sector 17 is monitored sun and meteor. Food is rationed more often than not, and university or work is rigorous. We had no choice in the matter, as my GM had to be monitored after the death of BF. All Mateless were relocated here.

   When I made my appearance known in the gathering room, my soles led me to the meal counter. Upon being seated, the Aider poured me a cup of mocha and my protein breakfast of fried frolicker eggs and ocean berries.

   "Anything else I can assist you with, Miss Korler?" The Aider asked in a pleasant female voice.

   I waved my hand in front of the machine's interface to signal negative as I do most every morning. It beeps and rolls to the center of the room to begin the sunrise information.

   The soothing female voice transitioned into the cool, firm voice of the male speaker as the bot relayed the morning wave to us.

Planet Argmygous, Sector 17, Batillion. Sun 6,307,712,902. Today at 17:00 BT, the Techno exploration pod will be launched deep into outer space. It will travel intergalactacly, searching for life or life sustaining planets. Our galaxy is nearing the end of its life span, and we must act fast on the weakened galactic forcefield.

   As of today, the Isle of Myerge will be off limits to the open public. Our evacuation ships are there, ready for when the Techno returns with information. Construction of said ships remain in progress to hopefully accommodate all ten million persons. More information on the evacuation plan to come within the next few suns.

   The Techno parade lines the streets today in celebration of the launch. Make sure to keep your hovercylces off of roads today, folks. We wouldn't want any slips or spills, now would we?

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