New girl

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Camila's POV

Another school. Ughghg. I'm tired of being the new girl 'fresh meat' as most teens call it. I wonder if this year will be different. I really just want to be normal at least have some friends. Maybe I'll just skip school today. Yeah, I'll skip today maybe I'll just sleep in. Okay yeah sleep in. Comfortable bed. " KARLA CAMILA CABELLO ESTRABAO WAKE UP RIGHT NOW BEFORE I COME IN THERE," my mom yelled from downstairs. I sigh and kick off my blanket and went to my closet. "Nope, nope, no, NADA YO NO TENGO NADA," I say to myself. I finally found some good clothes to wear which was a pink crop top with some high waisted blue jeans. I went to the bathroom and took a fast shower, brushed my teeth, and combed my hair. When I was done putting on my clothes I looked at myself in the mirror. 'Do I look good,' I asked myself. I just went with it and grabbed my book bag and went downstairs. "Karla hurry up you're going to be late for school," my mom said right when I stepped off the last step. "Yes mami I'll get going now," I said back to my mom. "MIJA," I turned around and looked at my mom "I love you and don't forget don't make people suspicious." Oh my gosh I forgot about that. "I love you too mami and yes no one will find out," I reply to my mom and then I walked out the door. I walked to school since it is right across the street. I went to the office to get my schedule and I saw that my homeroom is at classroom 201 with Mrs. Lopez. As I was walking through the hallways I looked down because I don't want to look at the teenagers who were probably looking at me like I was new. As I kept my head down I bumped into someone. Oh no just great Camila start off the girl day of the new school by embarrassing myself. "I I I I'm s s sorry I wasn't l l looking," I managed to stutter out. Great now I'm gonna be known as the new girl who is clumsy and a shy stuttering mess. "It's okay. Are you new here? If you need help I'll help you find your way," the girl said. I looked up and saw the most beautiful shade of green staring back at me. "Yes I'm new her I'm sorry again I wasn't looking did I tell you I was new well yeah I am new to this state and school did I mention I was new also in sorry I wasn't looking have I said I w," " was new," the other girl cut me off my finishing my ramble. I blushed looking down at the floor. "It's okay you're nervous I get it but it's okay, I'm Lauren by the way," the other girl, who has identified herself, said to me. "Um I'm Karla no wait Camila my name is Karla but don't ever call me that I'm Camila," I rambled again why can't I stop rambling oh wait I know because there is a beautiful girl standing right in front of me who I just crashed into. "Well Camila, let me see your schedule," I handed her my schedule and she looked at me with a smile before saying "we have all the same classes that awesome now I can show you around also you can meet my friends." "Yeah that would be awesome." "Well let's go before we are late." Lauren showed me where our first class which is homeroom. "My friends are in the same homeroom too so I can introduce you to them," Lauren said while opening the door. Lauren pulled me to back of the class where I saw 3 other girls. "Ally, Dinah, Normani meet Camila she's new." The short one went up to me first and just hugged me well I didn't see that one coming it took me a moment to hug back but I did and all I could say is I wish I could cuddle with her all day long. "Oh sorry I forgot my manners I'm ally." "It's okay you're a good hugger, I'm Camila." Next the girl who was the tallest and looked like she could kill me in one snap stepped in front of and to my surprise hugged me too. Oh my gosh shes an even better hugger, firm grip but not to strong and so cuddly. "Dawg hey my name is Dinah some calm me Dmac others call me DJ," Dinah said after she let me go. "Hi I'm Camila and you're a good hugger too so cuddly." The other stared snickering while Dinah gave me a playful glare "don't call me cuddly." "I'm sorry j didn't mean to offend you I'm sorry." "DAWG, don't worry just a joke here give me a hug." I didn't complain and just went in for a hug. Okay she is a perfect cuddle buddy. When Dinah let me go the dark skinned girl walked up to me and put her hand out for me to shake. As I shook her hand she said, "hey my name is Normani you can call me Mani and I promise I have nothing wrong with you I don't do things on impulse like those dogs." Everyone laughed but while Ally and Dinah were laughing they were playfully glaring at Normani. "It's okay I get it I'm Camila nice to meet you." "Like wise." I felt something in my bag jump. Oh my gosh no no no. The girls looked at me then the bag. "Hey Camz what's in the bag," Lauren said. "Camz? And nothing it's just a toy." "Yeah it's your new nickname and okay then. They all took a seat and Lauren pointed to the seat next to her so I sat there. When they weren't paying attention I looked in my bag and yes there is was. My mom this in my bag. "MOM WHY DID YOU PUT THIS IN MY BAG, yelled to my mom. Yes, telepathically. "Mija stop yelling and I put it in there so you would know if any creatures are near you," my mom answered back. I groaned then gasped. "MOM IS JUMPED THERE ARE CREATURES NEAR ME OH MY GOSH IM GONNA DIE." "Really mija you are not gonna die just stop trying to repress your power by keeping it a secret I meant use it but don't show anyone it." "Ugh okay mami I'll figure it out okay bye." "Have a good day at school I want the 411 when you get back home." I groaned and I turned to see Lauren, Normani, Dinah, and Ally staring at me. "Um hey Camila where were you i was calling you," Lauren said. "Um I was, I was uhh I was just day dreaming sorry," I replied to Lauren oh that's not suspicious at all great going Camila. "Oh it's okay," Lauren said. They all turned back around and I started to use my power. Okay focus thing find. Find the creatures. I started to mumble the spell to make it work. "Mie Kai Re, Mie Kai Re, Mie Kai Re." As I was doing that I could see all around the room and I was shocked to see what I saw. I saw four outlines of things but half were the same the others were different. As I looked closely I gasped and stopped the spell and jumped out of my seat. Lauren, Normani, Ally, and Dinah snapped there heads towards my direction. "Oh my gosh are you okay Camila you seem kind of out of it," said Lauren. As I took my seat again I looked at them then said, "no everything is okay sorry I just I'm weird." They all laughed and Dinah said, "aren't we all." They all started conversing again while I was left to my thoughts again. Ally and Dinah were werewolves and Normani and Lauren were vampires. And I'm a witch. Oh my gosh i have a crush on a vampire. Oh did I tell you I was lesbian.

Lauren's POV

Camila seems kind of out it. I wonder if she's okay. Maybe I should ask again. But if I do it'll seem like I'm obsessed with her. Well I guess I won't. Oh my gosh her eyes were the best color I have ever seen. Her eyes make me crave chocolate. But I hate chocolate. I guess it's just her pretty eyes. Did I mention she herself was gorgeous. She is a mix of adorable and sexy. I wonder if she is gay. Should I ask her. No, of course not you don't just go up to people and say 'hey are you gay.' Ugh wait what is Normani saying again I should listen yeah I should. "Crush." Oh crap I didn't hear what she said was it important I sure hope it wasn't. I heard the girls laughing so I looked at them and Normani said, "I know you weren't listen but what I said was you have a crush on Camila and you officially have a crush." "Pftft no I don't have a crush on her." "Girl you def have a crush on her like seriously dude work your Jauregui charm," Dinah said. I turned around and saw Camila with the most adorable thinking face ever. "Hey Camila do you want to join our conversation." She looked up with wide eyes at first then it went back to normal. "Yeah of course." She stood up and stood in next to me. I finally took a leap of braveness when I pulled her into my lap. She slightly screeched then looked back at with a weird face. "You can sit here better then standing right," I said trying to act like this didn't affect me at all. "Yeah it is thank you," Camila said. "No problem." She then relaxed into me. Then all of us talked into the end of homeroom. "Ready to go to math Camz," she replied by nodding. We said bye to the other girls and started walking to math. Well this is going to be a long day.

Camila's POV

Oh my gosh I like a vampire.

Well hello people of the earth this is my new story. I hope you like it. Also sorry for the grammar or spelling mistakes. Comment anything bad or good things. Also you can private message me anytime of the day. I'll try to make the chapters longer or if you want shorter I'll make them shorter. Have a good day.
Pronounced Ka/Lay/Ah

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