the next day

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I wake up to the guys yelling. "Will you freaks shut up I'm trying to sleep here!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

Soon after that Ashton comes to act like he's going to give me food and eats it in front of my face. So I push his face in his bacon, eggs, pancakes, and biscuits and Gravey.

I stand up and follow him to the front of the tour bus.

"Well why'd you do that to him Star?" Calum asks as he gets a text. Perhaps it's from his girlfriend Jenny.

"Because he wouldn't leave me alone. And he ate food in front of my face." I quickly take my phone out and take a few pictures before he could wash it off. "That's going on twitter!" I say as I run in the bathroom and alma the door shut and locked it.

"Delete it! Now you can't post that especially since you done it to me!" He yells and slams his hand up against the door.

"When will we be stopping for a pitt stop? I can't stand him much longer." I say through the door.

"Soon. We should be there in about 30 minutes." Luke says.

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