Chapter Six

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Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

I groaned in frustration. Stupid beeping piece of crap. I opened my eyes slowly. "This is for Quince Lupo," a voice spat angrily. I looked over and saw a man in a nursing uniform placing a syringe into my IV line.

"Who are you?" I asked. He looked over at me and panic lit his eyes once he realized I was awake. He looked back over at the needle and placed his hand on the plunger. My arms shot out but were immediately pinned by a...FBI agent. I struggled but I was weak.

I kicked out and thrashed. I moved my arms and elbows hoping to dislodge the needle that connected me to the IV.

"This is enough adrenaline to kill a bear," the fake nurse said as he injected it into my IV. "You have to understand Agent Anrews, that fucking with Quince Lupo, or his operation, is a deadly mistake. Punishable by death in his book. He doesn't take to kindly to traders...or liars," he said softly as if he was talking about the weather.

He laughed and fled the room along with the agent. I reached for the needle in my arm.

Thank Christ! The needle wasn't there. I let my head hit the pillow in relief. I suddenly felt sick. I stumbled out of the bed nearly falling on my ass. My vision blurred and grayed, and I saw three of every thing. I used the wall for support as I made my way to the bathroom. Unfortunately, when I made it into the room I couldn't figure out which toilet was real so I aimed for the middle one.

Everything came up. A towel landed on my shoulder and I took it gratefully. When I finished wiping my mouth I finally spoke. "It's Quince Lupo."

"We caught the nurse and the Agent when they tried to sneek out the door," Simon said. I nodded, the motion unnerving. I threw up again. "It's the poison," he said sharply.

"What crawled up your ass and died?"

"Don't ever do that again Carson. You scared the crap out of me."

I laughed without humor. "I'll work on it."

"I'm not joking. I thought you were going to die! I thought I'd have to tell Amy another person she loved died," Simon hissed. I sighed before standing up.

"Derek might actually be alive," I blurted without thinking. Simon's eyes widened.

"" I picked up the clothes that sat on the edge of the sink and pulled my jeans on. "Some package arrived at Amy's house and when she opened it... There was pictures. Pictures, notes, lists and coordinates. The whole nine yards."

I walked out the bathroom and opened random drawers until I found some pain medicine. I quickly read the label and popped three into my mouth. "Do you think he might be alive?" Simon asked as he handed me a glass of water. I shrugged.

"It doesn't matter what I think. Amy thinks he is though."

"Why-" Simon began but was cut off by a flash of blonde nearly knocking him over. "Your awake!" My step mom cheered as she hugged me. I laughed when I noticed Simon's face which was scowling at the back of her head.

She pulled away and...

Slapped me. "What the hell woman!" I cried as I clutched my aching cheek. Damn that really hurt. "Why the hell did you drink that poison!?" She shouted at me. I looked at her like she lost her damn mind. "I'm not fucking psychic. I didn't know what was in that drink," I said defending myself. She slapped me again. "Don't curse," she chided. I rolled my eyes.

"It would have been okay to drag me through hell with this crap but you didn't have to take Amy with you," she snarled. Holy shit, she was really angry.

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