Of Angels

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Every toilsome step I take

I feel a loving presence close by

That holds my hand in His, and says

Just another step .... I comply.

Tiny prints I mark, in faith

Through forests and the plains

Enduring storms and scorching days

He makes laughter from my pain.

Over hills and down the vales

On paved roads and muddy trails

I trudge to places far and near

He gives me courage in my fear.

Passage through the salty seas

In times of strife, and times of peace

Abiding losses, celebrating gains

My flagging spirits He sustains.

I tread desert sands, I'm bleeding sore 

Now I can't walk another step more 

When tender hands beneath my feet 

Make my journey light and sweet 

And whispers in my ear, they say 

I'll walk you, every step of the way. 

© Manic Sylph 2015

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