the magic

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When I started to go back in the water the ocean was calling me again with a song called " The deep blue see." I hummed has I walk in the water then once it hit my waste I fell. Then surly I took a breath undrtr water! Then I saw a blue and purple fish tail where my legs were. I was excited. Why did I get this power? And where did it come from?

The only thing that can give me the power to become a mermaid is my mermaid necklace. I got my necklace at a fish store that tells stories of mermaids and more. But again why me!? Probably becasue I didn't believe in them so now when I touch water I'm a mermaid too.

Am I the only one with this power?

The next day

OK now things are even more fishy. I have powers they are water and fire/heat. I was turning the water on to get some water to drink but just thinking it before I touched it, it turned on.

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