The Lock-Up

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Five more minutes, and then I'm done with this awful tune for the day. I've already had enough of this stupid song, and I just got here this afternoon! Some of the kids have been singing along to the songs and I think that's cool, but by the look on Freddy's eyes, he looks pissed at that. But why? The kids are so cute and so adorkable, nobody can hate them unless they're soulless. Or maybe Freddy's jealous because he can't move and the kids can. I feel bad for Mangle. She was supposed to be the drummer, but the boss made her a put-together bot. I hope she can get her revenge. Soon enough...


I hate these losers. My ear was put in my eye socket and my leg was put in my ear socket. But at least somebody got my voice box in, except not in the right way. I tried to speak to some of the kids, but this is how it sounded.

"HELLO KIDS!!!" I screeched. The kids dropped what parts of me they had and they ran away screaming. Why were they scared? I was made to talk. Then, Freddy's song called The Mangled Mess (I was supposed to have a solo as the drummer in this song) ended, and then Freddy spoke.

"Goodbye Kids! See you all tomorrow!" He smirked. All of the kids were sad, but they started to head out of the pizzeria. Once all of the kids were out of here, the boss and some employees came around.

"Awesome 1st day you guys," the boss said, talking to both the animatronics and the staff. A staff member came to the Kid Cove and started to take me apart. I was all ripped up, and a bunch of pieces, but at least I wouldn't have to hear out of my hand. I was about to thank him, but he walked away, and left me broken. I then saw the 3 band members getting turned off.

"The night guard will be coming around 11:00 tonight and their shift starts at midnight. Don't do anything weird, or we'll get shut down, okay?" None of us answered, because everyone was shut off except me, and I didn't want them to figure out I was still operating.

"Okay. See you guys tomorrow!" The boss said. With that, he turned off the lights, walked out of the restaurant and locked the doors.

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