Chapter 9: Secrets

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Me and Chaotic were stuck in the prison for about a week now. Since it took a while to get here by minecart when I was kidnapped by Sky, it takes even longer for people to get here on foot. At exactly 5:00 in the morning, we had to work for Sky. I had to use magic to make myself awake most of the time, but when I didn't, I survived 5 minutes, and then used magic. I couldn't help it. I felt like I was going to faint of sleep deprivation. By day, we were Sky's slaves, working out butts off just to keep him happy. 'Or else.' He said. We didn't want to find out what 'or else' means. When we were brought back to our cell, we were given small amounts of food, which half the time I didn't eat. The menu every day was rice and refried beans. I don't like rice, so I was starving a lot. When Sky left us to sleep, we trained. I eventually learned how to spawn in better food, so I could eat. This went on for about a week, and today is the 8th day. Every one of those eight days, I went to that little cloud world inside my head, and met Horus there. I informed him about what I've learned about the 4 clans, and he informed me what had happened on their journey. The last thing I heard from him was that they were almost there. I hope they come soon.
"Here's your food." Sky says. "Rice again?" I complain, and he glares at me. "Well, you aren't dead yet, so you must be eating it!" He smirks and walks off. As soon as he leaves, I smile. "The contrary." I mutter, and Chaotic stands up. "Ready to try teleporting again?" She asks. I nod. "Ready as I'll ever be." I say, and smile. sst, I hear, and I look around. Psst. There it is again. I sneak a glance at Chaotic, and she's looking around too. It wasn't just my thoughts. I keep looking until I hear Chaotic whisper, "Up there! By the window!" I look at the barred window, and see someone there. I gasp, jump on the chest holding our rice, and jump across the tiny jail cell. It's only a two block gap, so I reach the jail window easily. I grab the edge of the concrete windowsill, and struggle to hoist myself up. A hand helps me up from the other side of the bars. "Horus!" I smile. He smiles back. "Hi! I'm glad you're safe. Unfortunately, 2 of the others aren't." My eyes widen. "What do you mean?" I ask. "I'd tell you if I could get in there." He says, and I gasp. "Can you find an iron ingot?" I ask, and he nods. "I think I can." And with that, he leaves. I drop down, and me and Chaotic move the chest with the food over to the window.
~Horus's POV~
I slowly get up from the window to find an iron ingot. Making sure my diamond swords are still on my back, I sneak around, looking for something shiny in the grass. I hear an iron golem clunking around, and I dive behind a tree for cover. After a minute, I sneak a peek around the tree, and see an iron golem standing there, guarding Sky's mansion. He's the only one there, and he looks my way. I gasp quietly, and I hear a booming voice from where the guard is standing. "COME OUT FROM THERE! I KNOW YOU'RE HIDING, WHOEVER YOU ARE!" I crawl out from behind the tree, and find myself under the glare of the iron golem. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? GET OUT!" He shouts, and flips me into the air. I land on my stomach, and he yells again. "GET OUT NOW!" He says, and flips me again. This time, I land on my feet, with my hand on the ground. I stand up, and whip out my two swords. "You messed with the wrong guy, buddy." I say, and hit him with my swords. He disappears into a puff of smoke, and in his place lies an iron ingot, and a poppy. I smile. Problem solved.
~My POV~
As soon as we get the chest over to the wall with the window, Horus appears once more. He hands me the iron and a poppy saying, "A guard was hurting me, so I had to kill it." "Okay, that works!" I say, and run my hand against the ingot's smooth surface. My fingers turn the ingot's surface into a rough, file-like texture. Once it's all roughened, I hand it back to Horus. "Wow! Where'd you learn to this?" He asks, and I feel my heart speeding up. "I've been training with Chaotic." I say, and he gives me a big smile. "Now use it like a file." I say, and he gives me a questioning look. "That'll take a while to wear down the bars. And what about when Sky comes back?" I stare at him, and he stares back. I smile, and say, "Trust me. I've thought of that." He shrugs, and starts wearing down the bars. I hold onto the bars. I'm pretty sure he can see my hands glow purple, but that's fine. After about 30 seconds, the bar collapses in his hand. His jaw drops, and he looks at me. I smile, and shrug. He shrugs back, and starts on the other bars, until the window's bars are gone, and in its place is a concrete lined hole. He crawls into it, and tumbles into our cell. As soon as he comes in, I touch the windowsill. The bars go back up. "Wait, now I'm trapped too!" He says, and I shake my head. "You can get out. It just looks like the bars are still there. They're kinda like ghost blocks!" I explain, and he nods. "Okay, but what if Sky comes back? Won't he see me?" He asks, and I smile. "That's step 2!" I say, and I stretch my hands out in front of me, towards him. My hands glow purple, and I smile at him. "This might tickle." I say, and he turns a bit transparent. "What happened?" He asks, as I lower my hands. "You're invisible to Sky, but for us you've just turned a bit transparent. We can still see you, but the Sky Army can't." I say, and he nods. "Makes sense." Says Chaotic, who's been silent the whole time. "So, what's your story?" She takes a dagger out of her pocket and points it at Horus's throat. "Whoa whoa whoa! He's a friend! He's safe!" I say, separating the two. "Okay, if you're sure..." She says, shoving her dagger back in her pocket. "So, what happened to the others?" I ask, and sit down on the bed. Chaotic sits on her bed, and Horus sits with me on my bed. I don't think he's forgiven her totally after her... Breakout. I don't blame him. It's kinda hard to trust someone after they put a dagger to your throat. He takes a deep breath, and starts his story.
Hey people, it's 2besties, and I just wanted to tell you that now, at almost every chapter of this book, I'm going to shout someone out. Now, I've shouted some people out at one point, but I told a girl named Emspill that I would give her a shout out, because she gave me a shoutout in her book "More than Friends". The reason I didn't shout out Sarah was because she wasn't really featured in this chapter, and I wanna save her shoutout until the next chapter when Horus explains what happened, and when you all find out what power Sarah has. I'm giving her the option of either an Ender Girl or a Dimension Hopper. I don't even know what she's choosing! She hasn't told me yet!
Your friend,
2besties :) <3

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