I don't date Dark skins

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"I don't date Dark Skins."
"I just don't."
My Thoughts On The Phase

How would you feel to not even be given a chance? To be judge and looked down on because your skin color? Something that you can't even control! Just Imagine it for one second and think about. You don't even really know this person but you automatically think that she is Ratchet and ghetto. I can't find one reason, not even one good reason to not date someone because of their skin color. I can't blame it all on you though it's today's stupid stereotypes and media. African American women are smart, gorgeous, and kind.
You might be saying that's not true for every "dark girl". I have to say you are right I can't speak for everyone. But neither can you... no race is perfect.
But because you're too blind to look with your own eyes instead of society's you can't see how much it hurts when someone says that. Those awful words...and then not even have a reason why. I've truly realized that we are not done fighting not yet. So hold your head up high and stay strong sisters or we'll never win.

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