Beautiful Pt. 2

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Jack Johnson shook his head, sitting up slowly. "Who are you?"

Jack Gilinsky smiled. "I'm Jack. Jack Gilinsky. I just moved here."

"Oh, that's why you're talking to me," Johnson said, wincing at the pain. "Piece of advice, don't do that."

Gilinsky furrowed his eyebrows, making the older boy rest his head on his lap again. "Why not?"

"You'll learn soon," Jack Johnson answered, trying to get up again.

Jack Gilinsky simply shook his head, gently pushing him down on his lap again.

"You're going to be late," Jack Johnson mumbled.

The brunette smiled. "I don't care."

Jack Johnson frowned. "They'll hurt you, you know? They'll treat you like they treat me. They've done that to anyone who's ever been my friend."

Jack Gilinsky shrugged, stroking the blonde's hair softly. "I can take a hit."

Jack Johnson simply closed his eyes, already exhausted. "You just don't give up, do you?"

"My mom says when I see something I like, I go for it," Gilinsky said.

"No, stop." Jack Johnson said, louder.

Jack Gilinsky frowned. "Stop what?"

"Whatever you're doing, stop," Jack Johnson, a nervous look on his face.

Jack Gilinsky simply smiled. "You're really cute."

"Don't," Jack Johnson snapped, sitting up.

He winced, a couple tears falling as he pushed himself up off the ground and started to walk away.

Jack Gilinsky sighed, getting up and folowing him.

The brunette slung Jack Johnson's arm over his shoulder, and wrapped his arm around the blonde's torso.

"Stop," Jack Johnson choked. "I don't need help. I've done this a million times."

"You're crying," Jack Gilinsky pointed out.

"Yeah," Johnson said, his voice breaking. "Of course I am, everything hurts like hell."

"Should I take you to a hospital?" Jack Gilinsky asked, concern laced in his voice.

Jack Johnson shook his head. "My mom can't afford to pay the bills."

"My family will!" Gilinsky blurted out. "I mean, we're pretty rich."

"No," Jack Johnson mumbled. "I'm okay."

"What about a physciatrist?" Gilinsky asked. "For, you know, just to ask if you have depression. Or any eating disorders."

"I'm fine," Jack Johnson said, smiling cynically.

"I saw what you've been doing to yourself," Jack Gilinsky said, stopping.

"It's not like I don't deserve any of it," Jack Johnson replied, as if a conversation about his self harm was normal.

"And I saw how skinny you are," Jack Gilinsky said. "Have you been starving yourself?"

"No," Jack Johnson said, sitting down on a bench. He was exhausted.

"You can tell me," Jack Gilinsky said, sitting next to him.

"I don't starve myself. I tried and it's too hard for my fat ass," He said, "I binge and purge."

To Jack Johnson's suprise, Jack Gilinsky wrapped his strong arms around him.

Jack Johnson let out a shaky breath, another tear escaping.

It wasn't because of the pain this time.

It was because it had been a really long since someone showed that much affection towards him.

Soon, he was full on sobbing.

"Woah, did I do something wrong?!" Jack Gilinsky said, panicking and loosening his grip. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry...."

Jack Johnson buried his face into the crook of Jack Gilinsky's neck, shaking his head.

It practically took all of Jack Gilinsky's strength not to cry with him, but to be his rock. So, he held the crying boy in his arms.

"I'm sorry," Jack Johnson cried.

"You have nothing to be sorry for," Jack Gilinsky said, rubbing his back soothingly.

Jack Johnson shook his head, pulling away. "You know, I try to not push everyone away, but I always end up doing that, and I try to love myself more but I can't because everyone hates me, but you appear and you-"

He gets cut off by Jack Gilinsky's lips on his.

He slowly relaxes into the kiss, placing a small hand on Gilinsky's chest.

By the end of it, they were both panting, trying to catch their breath.

Jack Johnson smiled. A real, genuine smile.

And Jack Gilinsky smiled back. "You're beautiful when you smile."


im rewatching glee & at the part in season six when brittany and santana get married and so do kurt and blaine so im very very emotional

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