Chapter 7

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Jeremy leads Ivan and I into the house where the band all lived together.
'Kind of like Slipknot,' I think to myself. I shake my head and sigh quietly. I had only been here for an hour and already I was homesick.
This was going to be a long two weeks.
As I was thinking to myself, Jeremy leads the way to where I would be staying.
Nudging the door open, he announces, "So, uh, here's your room... It's not much, but..." He shrugs sheepishly.
I look around. It was simple, with light blue walls, a small desk with a cutesy little rolling chair, and a medium-sized bed that had blue and green covers on it. A little closet was snugly fitted against one corner, and a tall mirror stands next to the closet.
It was kinda like a nine-year-old girl's room. I didn't really like it, but I suppose it could grow on me. I shrug. "It's cute," I say to Jeremy, who had been watching me as I was looking around. "Not really my taste, but cute." With that, I walk inside and set my backpack onto the desk chair.
Turning to Jeremy, who was holding my suitcase, I wave him in. He tugs my bag in and rests it by the bed. "So, uh... Ivan says that lunch will be in an hour, and that recording will start at three," Jeremy says, idly patting his hair.
I nod, then smile at him. "Thanks for helping me bring my stuff up here," I say.
He waves his hand nonchalantly, but his cheeks turned a little pink. "No problem," he answers. "Just, uh, tryin' to be helpful..."
I giggle, then move over to my suitcase and yank it onto the bed. I open it, then start putting my stuff away.
I hear Jeremy clear his throat and start to ask, "Uh, d-d'you want help-", but before he could finish, I pull out a few of my bras. I look back at him.
His face flushes bright red. Quickly averting his eyes, he points at the door. "I'm just, uh, gonna... Er... I-I think I-Ivan is calling me-" he stutters, then all but runs out the door.
I burst out laughing at his embarrassed retreat and shake my head. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.
I putter around the room, arranging my things how I want them and getting used to the space. Finally, I flop down onto the bed. I was emotionally weak, and a little hungry. I wonder idly what song Ivan wanted to do, and what was for lunch.
Crossing my arms behind my head, I close my eyes. In spite of it being small, the bed was actually quite comfy. I decide I would have a short nap before lunch. Slowly yawning, I curl up into a loose ball, nuzzle into the pillow, and fall into a light slumber.
I wait until the heat in my cheeks had died down before going back upstairs to check on Colleen.
As I move toward the stairs, I let my mind wander to her. She was a cute little thing, with those big blue eyes and that adorable smirk. I had heard from Ivan that she was nineteen. Five years younger than me. I frown at this piece of information, really wishing she was older so that...
I shake my head, trying to get rid of those kind of thoughts. Ivan had told me it was strictly business, and that I was to not get that much involved with her.
I sigh to myself. It was a shame. I really liked her.
I reach her door, and I check myself over, straightening my hair and fixing my shirt. Taking a deep breath, I knock on her door. Silence greets me. Weird.
I knock a second time, calling softly, "Colleen? You there?" I open her door and look around. She was curled up on her bed, sleeping.
I smile. She looked so peaceful there, with her long, dark lashes fluttering softly. Her pretty pink lips were pursed slightly, and a few strands of her hair was draped along the curve of her cheek.
I quietly tiptoe in, deciding to move the hair off her face. Kneeling by her bedside, I reach out and delicately brush away the hair with two fingers, tucking it behind her ear. She smiles a little. She must have liked that.
I couldn't help but to start stroking her cheek. Her skin was like velvet under my fingers. She moves her head slightly, pressing her face closer against my hand.  I bite my lip, fighting the urge to lean down and kiss her.
Instead, I carefully lift my hand away, and she returns to her original position, with a bigger smile on her face than before. I quietly move away and back out into the hallway, shutting her door softly.
I was having the most wonderful dream. In it, Corey, Mick, Shawn, Alessandro, Sid, Craig, Jay, Jim, Chris and I were performing in this kick-ass concert, and we were playing 'Killpop'. I was singing the chorus with Corey. When he gets to the bridge,
Oh! She's beautiful! A little better than a man deserves!
Ooh, I'm not insane! Please tell me she won't change!
he reaches over and strokes my cheek.
I smile hugely. The crowd was screaming the lyrics along with us, and the adrenaline flowing through the air was contagious. At the end of the song, everyone comes in for a group hug. Everyone hollers, "We love you, Col!"
I was smiling so hard, my cheeks hurt, and I reply, "I love you, too, you knuckleheads."
Then we all laugh, let go, and run offstage with applause trailing after us. Everything fades to black, and I hear Ivan's voice: "Colleen... Colleen, wake up... Come get lunch," and my shoulder was being shaken.
I slowly wake up and look around. I was still in the cutesy little room, and Ivan was looking at me curiously. "You all right?" he asks.
I sigh a little. "I just miss my family," I reply.
He nods sympathetically. "Don't worry, time will fly. You'll be back with them before you know it," he comforts me.
I give him a small smile. "Thanks, Mr. Moody," I mumble shyly.
"Please," he says, returning the smile, "Call me Ivan."
"Okay," I reply. I slide off the bed. I follow him downstairs into the kitchen, where Jeremy and three other men were sitting around the island in the middle of the floor.
"You're awake!" Jeremy says happily. Quickly standing, he hurries to pull out a stool for me.
I sit, and Ivan introduces me to the three men. "Colleen, this is the guitar crew: Zoltan Bathory, rhythm guitar; Chris Kael, bass; and Jason Hook, lead. Zoltan, Chris, Jason, this is Colleen Taylor, our second vocalist and Corey Taylor's daughter." They either nod or wave at me, and I wave back. "She's going to be with us for two weeks to record a couple songs with us, and possibly be in a music video. That one's still up in the air, though." He shrugs. "Anyway. Grilled cheese?" Ivan asks me, smiling.

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